Languages: | English | ||
Country: | Ghana | ||
Today is: 8, February 2025
My profile
Never Try my SHOES "HOT"
He yelled at him; get away! Fool you don’t go to school and come here to beg. He pushed him aside as he continued toward the street from the bank. Another person came out from the bank holding a book and a pen, on it was written western Union, he ignored him walked some steps and turned; he signaled him to come and gave him the pen, he jumped and thank him. Then I came out of the bank, he rushed to me and said its 11:00GMT am soo hungry just a little food can save me. I was shocked, I asked him to follow me, I bought him some food and he told me his story. You can imagine how terrible it was. This is why I am with keen interest on the youth, SRH and poverty. the little you can do for me now can help reduce our streets of homeless and needy children who can be the future impactors of the future generation. Say YES!!! I just hope it will be a true YES not just the say!!!
George A Ben Smith
National Focal Point (Ghana)
Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS
+ 233 244 22 1515
Youth In Advancement In Community Development
The Giants are Awake!!!
My interests
I'm interested in:
- Sexual Reproductive Health
- Poverty Alleviation
- Malaria and TB
- Helping the Youth to Be RESPONSIBLE
- OERs and engineering
- Networking with educators to share educational resources
My Website, blog and contact particulars
for more INFO check out GYCA - GHANA on