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Contact-new.svg Rodger Levesque
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Other roles:Media Democracy Day
Country:Flag of Canada Flag of The CW.svg Canada
Certificate orange.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Nelliemuller .
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.

   * About Me *

I am currently a stay-at-home father of three. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I am not part of any institution. This September I intend to return to some form of employment in the field of education.

   * My Work Interests *

I currently volunteer with a group that is organizing Media Democracy Day. This is a way of freely following my interest in the idea of democracy. What social change is necessary for the idea of democracy to be realized? This question opens up my area of interest. Where does education fit? These are very real questions that go unanswered in our institutional everyday practice.

   * My Professional Development Interests *

Advocates of Critical Pedagogy are quick to point out the failure of teacher training programs to prepare critical educators. The profession of state employed public educator is not a critical position. Educating for change in a system biased toward reproduction can only ever be a frustrating position, and as such the development of critical understanding and a different practice that I've set out for myself, is at odds with the profession. Educating for democratic practice in a representational (or non-) democratic system, requires a conscious development of a difference, in a social system that abhors difference. This interests me.

  * My Educational Resources *

My educational practice is currently self-education. I am reading social systems theory, political and general economy, theory of mind and philosophy. I also attend free lectures, book launches and political protests. I blog, less than I'd like, or less than I feel is necessary, but I'm not as connected into a community of similarly-interested educators, as I think is necessary to generate an inspiring, developmental conversation.

My sandbox


Hi , I'm your WikiNeighbour. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you.Nedal Shatat (Comment.gif: Well done Rodger! Keep practicing. --Gladys Gahona 00:04, 28 April 2009 (UTC))