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(Comment.gif: This page, and downlevel CSL pages - CC-BY)

To Do / Carry Forward

November 2011


Following up on your November 10 email on tasks and reviewing who is working on some of the items mentioned (clarity), discuss time on the campaign vs orientation manual, and reasoning given that November 20etc.

  • Messages to Departmental Chairs
  • Staff on same page
  • Establish a timeline for the back-log Community partners agreements for CSL - Fall 2011 semester - I have not seen the performance indicators for the fall (with number of CSL partners - but I expect all agreements to have been introduced and sent by end of semester - potentially 50-60 agreements to be followed up by Manager CSL between now and Dec 15).
  • Fall 2011 lessons learned action items - status of action items? (impact on services linguistiques)
  • Lindsay draft appraisal is on November 17. Draft -for discussions ahead of the meeting with her.
  • CSL team meetings on Fridays - clarify (only until end of Campaign - Nov. 20) ?
  • Issue with Awad I - resolved?
  • CheatSheet? recommendation made vs Lynne ' s comment. What is the direction? (also in the fall 2011 action items).
  • Orientation manual - review Tome 3 (CSL). - setting up a meeting for November 25 to review where you are. Can you send where you are by then. Tomorrow review table of contents to ensure that Laura and I and you are not working on the same.

  • November 1 - Begin Daily Check-Ins - Tuesday & Thursday

Document Locations (internal links)

  • Dates & Timeline – Z:\AEC-CSL\CSL TEAM AWESOME!\Dates, Timeline\Timelines_Fall 2011 and Winter 2011_V1.3.xlsx
  • Orientation Manual - \\Architect\ASM\Administration\Orientation Manuals\CGCE Orientation Manual\CSL\1. Instruction Manuals_new\Draft New Version-Oct-26-2011-without Appendices\Training Manual- Placement Officer Training-version-November 2a, 2011.docx
  • List of Community Partners - \\Architect\ASM\Community Partners\List of Community Partners\Community Partners November 3a, 2011.xlsx
  • Winter Course List & Placements – Z:\AEC-CSL\Winter 2012\Winter2012 Course List and Placements-Oct-28-2011.xlsx

Email Content / Distribution

  • Email 1 - November 1 - November 20 Registration & PO's subject areas - all Profs (20101 to now, all semesters)
  • Email 2 - November 8 - November 20 Registration & Winter CSL Calendar
  • Email (Nov. 2) - to remind students; also Police Record Checks for next semester?

Meeting with Nathalie

  • Performance, Evaluation
  • Orientation Manual - latest version - do we have it?
  • Lindsay (1/3 evaluation, according to Competencies)
  • Started May 27, Meeting Nov. 17 (10 days before probation date); November 27

Workplace Culture Shock

Orientation Manual

  • Admin/Orientation Manual / CGCE OM / CSL / October 11
  • Location: \\Architect\ASM\Administration\Orientation Manuals\CGCE Orientation Manual\CSL\1. Instruction Manuals_new\Draft New Version-Oct-26-2011-without Appendices
  • remove pictures (create a file)
  • Add Guideline to OM (i.e., perceived conflict of interest - being a supervisor and PO for the same student and org'n at the same time; must transfer one responsibility to another PO)
  • Also, inform prof.

Community Partner Agreement

  • Pier-Luc,
  • add to CP existing sheet

Learning Objectives

  • Develop knowledge and critical understanding of the key concepts in the student’s field of study or course.
  • Gain research experience in the student’s field of study or course
  • Apply learning from the student’s field of study or course
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Identify different approaches to solving problems by using a variety of techniques

Develop the student’s ability to communicate orally and/or in writing to a variety of audiences

Class Presentations


Daily Tasks

  • FAQs - put down questions - going along - Assigned - Nov. 2 - general and technical
  • Dates, Timeline & Orientation Manual
  • Find WS Key responsibilities


  • Get Distribution List of Profs - a;; (profs since 2010)- DONE


  • Write Lynne - Daily Check-In
  • Write Stephane - about Daily Check-In

Community Partner Definition

  • Lynne, Catalina - underway (Oct. 28), waiting for Catalina's input to the definition

(See: Social Entreprise -

  • Faculty of Education
  • Volunteer Guidelines; Learning / Commitment Contract; Photo Release; Consequences


  • Who has access, and what level?
  • Who can approve what, and when?
  • What has to happen next?

Police Checks, Criminal Background Checks

  • Update table (Sharmaine, now adding French resources)
  • Get graphics
  • Send to translation
  • Goes on Website; incorporated into Class Presentations, Handbooks, Orientation Manual (link)


Key Messages

Client Service Agreements

  • where they are kept
  • Number signed, per month
  • What happens to them
  • Dates recorded, per CP
  • What is the process?
  • Excel spreadsheet

Success Stories

  • Success stories are saved here: \\Architect\asm\AEC-CSL\Work Study Folders\Catalina\Success Stories\Final Success Stories
  • Spreadsheet I created is here: \\Architect\asm\AEC-CSL\Work Study Folders\Catalina\Success Stories\Student Success Stories.xlsx
  • Catalina


  • being gathered: Student and Community Impact; also, for different aspects of CSL Program
  • get quote, title, organization and photo (of person making testimonial)
  1. Fran Childs, Live Work Play - done - passed onto Janine

Code of Conduct / Ethics

  • Placement Officers may volunteer at any Community Partner organization, but are not permitted to supervise CGCE / CSL / CE volunteers at the same organization.

Virtual Placements

  • CSL Placements outside of National Capital Region, and do not require student to be onsite.
  • Student has the opportunity to meet at least once in person with a key person in the partner organization. In some cases, meeting in person may also mean, a skype chat.
  • With Skype, IM, etc. becoming more available to partners, we could experiment more with off –site placements that are planned around regular Skype meetings as long the type of mandate and the background of the students are suitable for this type of distance relationship. I have a couple of these this fall.
  • Several exceptional cases where students were on-site in locations outside of the greater National Capital Region, but these are unusual. For example, there is occasionally a student that comes from Montreal or another city on a weekly basis to take a UOttawa course and this type of student may submit a placement for approval from his or her home town.

December 2011

  • Investigate other CSL Learning Programs (i.e., Carleton University; University of Alberta)
  • Revisit job responsibilities, update presentations, Orientation Manual and Timeline placements.
  • Myriam - evaluation, lessons learned
  • Objectives - print out

February 2012 - Professional Development (Manual Dias)

Digital / Audio Video Projects

  • Interested - Laura, Shari, Lindsay Godbout, Lee-Ann, Karen (CHUO), Richard (e-learning)
  • Release required (to share in other channels)
  • See: Duncan McHugh, UBC -

International Exchange Projects (China)

  • Shari & Peter


  • Database committee – can you tell me who else is on it, and from where?
  • Database being used for the Co-Op program - what is the platform they are using for it? (i.e., the name of the software)
  • What are the timelines for the database development – i.e., when will the new one, be live?)
  • new DB procedures and screenshots
  • connection to ONFE - link
  • Communications -
  • A new database will be in effect - we are still experiencing some issues - please let us know if you are having any challenges
  • send out regular emails, incorporate into newsletter


  • Who has access, and what level?
  • What training is provided, and to whom? - Particularly for DRAFT APPROVAL
  • Who can approve what, and when?
  • What has to happen next?

New Database

  • Lynne, liaising with IT (Michel Charron is our main contact and Josée Maisonneuve, his supervisor)


  • Number the output results (of searches)
  • Pop-up (hover) boxes to explain key terms

Cheat Sheet

  • Change, update
  • Translation - English, French
  • Posting - where
  • Website, Orientation Manual, Presentations, Website, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Success Stories


  • how are they compiled?
  • 3 docs: (i.e students, profs, and CPs) and then making a clean table or something where we can quickly grab quotes and what not)


  • regular updates - quarterly
  • emergency updates - as required (be careful about translation and communications)

Lessons Learned: Best & Worst Enrollments, Class Presentations

  • email profs with due date
  • publicize on website
  • encourage profs to participate in the presentation - sent it to a few of the profs
  • encourage profs to get their courses in earlier, beat deadline, higher quality service from CSL team - re: first come, first served
  • have them share how they are going to evaluate CSL experience (Lindsay)
  • develop, share FAQ
  • helpful to have syllabus in advance - even last year's
  • helpful to have clarity regarding CSL components
ask questions, clarify to clear up misperceptions - how program operates, guidelines, resources, roles and responsibilities, expectations - who's going to do what, when
  • for CSL Team - helpful to understand other alternate opportunities for - i.e., competing alternatives; so that CSL is a 'one-stop shop
  • For example, Environmental Law - pro bono; (i.e., send students from Environmental Law to pro bono Canada; Stephane investigating
  • Map other programs as there are many volunteer programs we are not aware of (i.e. Faculty of Medicine, etc.)
  • Mapping exercise is important – when it's clear we know where the gaps are and where we can make a difference
  • Lowest-enrolled courses - in some cases, it's and they need to be dropped
  • there's a process – if it's clear for the professor that it's not a good fit, and we agree – then it can be dropped OR focus on mutual problem-solving
  • frustrating to work in an environment where there's so many external factors – where you don't have control; and because we're growing, want to be credible and offer a wide range of choices
  • we also have to be mindful to keep our number of courses steady, and increase over time

Performance Indicators (monthly)

Update and produce monthly reports

  • Update stats on a monthly basis.... (Pier-Luc)
  • Open Database
  • Create and select predefined reports by selected indicator
  1. Number of students registered through the CSL program (Note 3 - Survey of 4th Year students carried out by Planning and Institutional Research
  2. Number of CSL placements
  3. Percent (%) of 4th year students aware of the CSL program
  4. Percent (%) of Community Partners registered with CSL (Note 6 - there may be duplicates registered)
  5. Percent (%) of students volunteering with "on-campus" partners per academic year (Note 4 - System to be developed to track numbers per Campus Partners
  6. Percent (%) of staff volunteering with:
    1. Staff Leave for Change
    2. On-Campus Partners (Note 4
    3. Days of Service (Note 4)
  7. Percent (%)of satisfaction of Community Partners, Professors and Students participating in the CSL Program (Note - as per TORs to be developed for RFP, November 30)


  • Percent (%) of professors participating in the CSL Program
  • Percent (%) of CSL Agreements signed and returned
  • Percent of profs using Virtual Campus
  • Graph trends
  • Layout in predefined template - for visual simplicity
  • Inform supervisor and CSL team
  • Share with communications, fundraising and external relations
  • Share with Community Partners
  • Post on website, news announcements etc.

Media Relations

Virtual Campus

  • Lynne's suggestions - inserted into manual



  • CSL Best Practice Guidelines (1,2 and 3)
  1. 30 hours
  2. integrated with syllabus, and share syllabus and learning objectives with CSL Team, Placement Officers
  3. self-reflection component
  4. act as ambassadors, encouraging other profs to participate
