User:Randyfisher/CSL/Key Messages

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Key Messages

Service Learning

  • Provides authentic involvement in real issues
  • Facilitates integration of students into academic and social campus live
  • Provides opportunities to develop meaningful relationships
  • Enhances content-driven scholarship
  • Integrates knowledge with experience
  • Helps students develop a better understanding of themselves and their role within society
  • Stimulates a greater level of of student involvement, which results in greater retention

Connection between service learning and student success mediated by:

  • Increased interaction with faculty
  • Greater participation in campus activities
  • Greater satisfaction with campus environment
  • Increased active learning

Outcomes of service learning:

  • Cognitive: discover greater purpose of their learning
  • Behavioural: material becomes more relevant
  • Emotional: experience becomes more meaningful
  • Social: student finds greater sense of belonging

Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson have identified Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, of which service-learning should be aware. They are:

  1. Encourages contacts between students and faculty
  2. Develops reciprocity and cooperation among students
  3. Uses active learning techniques
  4. Gives prompt feedback
  5. Emphasizes time on task
  6. Communicates high expectations
  7. Respects diverse talents and ways of learning