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Contact-new.svg Amos Obonyo
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Pschlicht .

Today is: 11, February 2025

Biographical Details

My name is Amos Obonyo. I am a Kenyan by birth born in 1966 in Rongo distrtict of Nyanza province. I am the last born in a family of four. I am married and have three childen.I hold Bachelor of Education from Kenyattta University and pursuing MA degree at University of Nairobi.

a budding rose

My Intrersts

I am a highly sociable person and enjoy making new friends. I enjoy swimming especially in the company of others. I like singing especially when male and female voice are blended in the lyric.

My Work

I am a professional teacher who develops currriculum at Kenya Institute of Education in the area of Christian Religious Education. I also conduct orientation and Inservice training programmes to teachers and education offficers on the currriculum isues especially those related to Christian Religious Education.I have work experience in the following areas:

  • Administration-Principal of a High School
  • Publications-Contributed in writing God's People(Oxford University Press)Books 1 to 4 for teaching Secondry CRE, Making Responsible Choices( a manual for Abstinence and Behaviour Change for the Youth by Kenya Catholic Secretariat)

Institution Designation Responsibility
Nyalula Teacher Classroom Instruction
Koderobara Head of Dept Administration of teaching
Wasio Principal School Administration
KIE Curriculum Officer Developing Curriculum

Subjects I Teach

I have taught Christian Religiuous Education and History in the Kenyan Secondary schools for thirteen years before I came to Kenya Institute of Education to work as a curriculum developer media:example.pdf