User:Mr; Mahsin

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Mr. Mahasin Hawlader

Date & Time : 17, July 2024 18:16

Contact-new.svg Mr. Mahasin Hawlader.
Blog:Pallitathya Blog
Employer:GOUF Pallitathya kandra. Jessore
Other roles:Social worker
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Kawra Development Project [KDP]

Budget [Tentative]

A. Data Collection, [method Participatory] participatory training, meeting, writing history

of twokawra villages as a tool of generating
collectivevision and empowerment                   10,000

Including a publication and putting

on GG website

Capacity building group member training 30,000 100 Group members initially then replication Among 500. All r Rights based Training, These includes leadership training of

kawra students. We shall hand over

The process as their capacity grows.

Workshops [structured] 10,000 Books for kawras 10,000 Staff Monthly Meeting 3,000 12 meetings x 250 per meeting [structured]

Group Meetings [structured] 3,600 24 meetings x 150

Court yard topic wise discussions [structured] 3,400 Quality education for the kawra students 5,000 Core Facilitation 30,000 ………………………………………………………………


B. Program Related Cost Program Traveling DA 18,000 Mobile Phone postage 4,800 Printing and stationery 3,000 Office maintenance 2,400 Internet bill 15,000 Executive Committee Meeting 2,400 ……………………………………


C. Program personnel cost Accountant cum Program Coordination 54,600 NB: This figure will be reduced and transferred to the beneficiaries subject to availability of availability of another fund Cashier cum Field Organizer 37,800 This figure too will be reduced subject to availability of another fund we are expecting very soon. ………………………………….


D. Program related materials 30,000

    A laptop
   A Photo printer                              15,000	

E .Revolving Loan Fund 1,00,000

F. Administrative Cost 42,000 House Rent & Electricity [Partial ] …………………………………………………….. Total 3,50,000 Taka

                                                         5,000 US$

BUDGET ANALYSIS Training will be high tech to reach ultimate target of three thousand kawra/ harijon. Beneficiaries. The laptop I am using right now is already reaching 10,000 farmers, fishers, patients, stitch women and children. Fighting digital divide is the miracle. Another laptop earmarked in the budget above will make our life easier. We call capacity building training ART [Research, Training & Action].Participatory research by the kawra community will identify needs. Trainee participants will present findings to the trainers. Trainers will go back to prepare materials in the light of participatory research. Books for kawras will be on wide ranging issues that will build their capacity on wide ranging economic and social issues. Fifteen thousand taka has been earmarked for a photo printer to augment our ICT income to cover unseen costs of this kawra project. Some of the costs we do not foresee. Those will be shared with ASAP as soon as they appear. Some money has been kept for quality education of kawra students, a vital component of integration. Taka five thousand has earmarked for quality education. This money will enable us to video the process right from base line of present poor quality into higher quality through facilitation in catchments schools. I will detail the point if you ask for. We will send you through u-tube. Our finance & accounts staffs have recent several training on accounts from Manusher Jonno Foundation. They are adept in keeping records professionally. We shall gradually move towards virtual version to communicate ASAP instantly.

To me, nurturing their leadership is very important. My friend from Netherland says- for Obama it was easier. For kawras it is more complicated. I want to prove she is wrong. Gradually we shall invest more in nurturing their internal leadership. Brock wanted to raise more money. We shall use those extra money to build Obamas here. Leaders are not born. Leaders are investment function.


  • Welcome to the WikiEducator Family. Great Start. All the best. ----Sarita Kumar 17:11, 12 December 2009 (UTC)


Bamboo and Rattan




The purpose of this meeting is to agree amongst all partners the time scale, contents and outputs, and the methods of working for the development of the first series of online and offline learning packages under the ODL project. It builds on the previous meeting by reviewing the outputs and progress expected at this stage, by providing hands-on training in the use of the relevant tools and platforms, defining working methods and practices, and agreeing the expected timescale amongst all the partners.

It is important that each of the module coordinators (previously called course writers) brings to this meeting their draft course outlines. These will serve as the bases on which the hands-on training will be conducted on Day 2 of the workshop, during which they will be developed into trial courses. Module coordinators are also kindly recommended to visit ( ) as a trial page on Wiki, and to help you start investigating how to use it before attending the meeting.

Name Gender Institution Address
Savithri F ANDC India
Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg

Headline text