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Contact-new.svg Geeta Kichlu
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This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 2 by Gita_Mathur .
This user is a WikiNeighbour
for WikiEducator.

Today is: 17, July 2024

See Today's Wikieducator Statistics and Monthly statistics

(Comment.gif: Dear Geeta, Welcome to WikiEducator. Great progress for the Day One. Keep going. Best Wishes. Gita -- Gita Mathur 12:16, 12 January 2009 (UTC))
(Comment.gif: Dear Geeta, I agree with Gita. Great job on your way of becoming a skillful WikiMaster Warm regards --Patricia 04:01, 13 January 2009 (UTC))



  • Watch your thoughts,they become words.
  • Watch your "words", they become action.
  • Watch your "actions", they become habit.
  • Watch your "habits", they become character.
  • Watch your "character", for it becomes your destiny.
    --H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Name:Geeta Kichlu
hi!iam doing a three day face to face open education resources at gargi college, Delhi University.I take this oppurtunity to wish all the Wikieducators a very happy new year.Hope i enjoy being one too and can share ideas with all of you .I am looking forward to interacting with the entire body ,opening up ,sharing ideas and as aresult growing and moving to great heights I was born in Ghaziabad, a small town in Uttar Pradesh Istudied throughout in Delhi.

  • did my schooling from Presentation Convent School
  • followed by graduation from Delhi university
  • masters alsofrom delhi university
  • followed by MPhil and doctorate also from the same university

Joined Gargi College as alecturer in 1982 and atpresent am working as a reader

My college

  1. My college started in the year 1967, in a school building behind Lady shri Ram College
  2. It shifted to Anand LokNew Delhi in the year 1976
  3. The college is named after Gargi, a renowned scholar in the Rig Veda, who was always searching for knowledge
  4. The college is striking as it is made of red bricks,
  5. The college has all the disciplines i.e. arts,science,humanties

"Getting together is beginning. Staying together is progress. Working together is success."- Rg-Veda.

My college Contribution


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Gita Mathur

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