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(Comment.gif: Dear Donna. You are doing a great job. Good progress for Day 1. Keep going. Warm regards --Patricia 18:28, 27 January 2009 (UTC))

Contact-new.svg Donna Perry
Certificate yellow.svg
This user was certified a Wiki Apprentice Level 1 by Nelliemuller .

Today is: 13, February 2025

My profile

My name is Donna Perry. I live in the state of New Jersey in the USA.

Most of my experience has been with marketing and promotion, particularly with magazines. Over the past three years I have been a teacher's aid in several Kindergarten - 4th grade classrooms. About one year ago, I decided to go back to school to get my Masters in Education and become a teacher. I have recently taken several graduate courses that integrate technology into the curriculum. I am very interested in expanding my knowledge with technology. I will be student teaching in a 1st grade classroom for the next 4 months and will be completing my teacher certification.

My interests

  • Expanding my technology knowledge
  • Share educational resources
  • Integrate technology into my classroom plans as much as possible by utilizing wikis, blogs,
podcasts, web sites, Google Earth, Google Docs, etc. as sources
  • Network with educators
  • Take many technology workshops

My Website, blog and contact particulars

I may be contacted via my gmail account at I have a created a Google Site that includes free web sites for teachers called Free Teaching Sites/DPerry. It is a great site.

My sandbox


Welcome to Wikieducator. You are off to a great start. Please add your username here: --Nellie Deutsch 14:58, 30 January 2009 (UTC)