User:Bijoy Felix

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Today is 4, February 2025
Contact-new.svg Sebastian Panakal
Sebastian Penakal
Employer:eSchool Kerala
Occupation:Teacher Trainer
Other roles:Social Entrepreneur, GeoGebra
Nationality:Indian Languages: English,Hindi, Malayalam
Country:India Flag of India.svg
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Skype-logo.jpg This user contributes using Skype on SkypeID: sebastianpanakal.

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L4C-small.png This user gifted considerable time and effort to facilitate eL4C55, a Learning Wiki Skills workshop.

My Profile

Hi Friends! i have great passion for teaching and learning.In my family most of them are teachers and it genetically tranferred to me.

  • I am a teacher at St.Philomena's H.S.S,Koonammavu,Kochi.
  • I am a scout master.
  • I was a teacher trainer at St.Xavier's Training college for Women,Aluva.

By working in these fields i would like to improve myself.

  1. Since my operational area is school,i am engrossed in the upliftment of my students.I explore the suitable teaching methods and learning aids for the proper and effective realisation of curricular objectives.
  2. As a scout master i am able to do social activities in my school and we lend our hands to natural disasters and social order.
  3. By becoming the part of Wiki community,i would like to enlarge my social sphere and to improve the communication skills.