learning wikieducator in workshop in ciet from 29june-1july,09 it is very interesting to learn and apply for different work
me,anjula sagar,keen to learn new things and use for daily work
Date of Birth:21.11.1970
Educational Qualifications:Ph.D.(Education), M.Phil (Education),M.A. Education), M.A. {Sociology), B.Ed., DCA,
 Anjula Sagar |
| Employer: | ncert
Occupation: | Field Investigator, Specialization in ET
| Nationality: | Indian 
| email |
==<fontcolor=#cc0033>place of birth==</fontcolor>
Born at Karol Bagh,New Delhi
PhD in Educational Technology
worked in last 12 years
in research
worked on many projects in research relating to primary and secondary education
in development
Development of Instructional Material
A. Development of Educational Television Programmes Scripts on following Subjects:
i. Atlantica Pt I & II
ii. Ek Shahar Calcutta
iii. Shakti Vardak Aahar
iv. Three scripts on Pattron Ke Uttar (Script based on Analyses on Viewers’ Mail of Tarang Programme)
v. Script on Fundamental Duties titled oZtfud lEifŸk dh lqj{kk
vi. Ten scripts on video quiz series for primary classes lk
B Developed 50 continuity scripts for Teacher Education of Tarang.
C. Programmed Instructional Material for VIIth Grade Students in the Area
of Science – Title: Carbon & Its Compounds.
• An Audio Programme for Class IX Students – Title: Balanced Diet-Importance of Vitamins.
• Seminar Paper as part of M.Phil (Education) degree – Title: Growth and Development of Distance Education with Special Reference to India.
Guide: Prof. (Mrs.) Girija Mohd. Miyan.
D. Translated 18 scripts from English to Hindi.
E. Transcripted 35 scripts.
developed about 20 educational Tv programmes scripts
transcripted about 35 educational programmes
attended about 40 workshops/seminars in different areas of education
training course
Articles Published :
1) In-service Education of Teachers : Exploring Distance Mode, Journal: Teachers Education, IATE, June, 2001
2) Electronic Media and Children; Journal : Primary Teacher, NCERT, New Delhi, July, 2002
3) Role of Environmental Education in Teacher Education, National Seminar at Dehradun, March, 2003.
4) Initiative of NCTE for teacher Education;National Seminar,Dehradun,March,2003.
5) Popularity of ETV ‘Tarang’ Programme Among children:Based on Content Analysis of Their Letters,
Journal of Indian Education, vol.31,No.3,NCERT,New Delhi,
6) Utility of Audio Programmes in Primary School Curriculum Transaction: Primary Teacher,NCERT,New Delhi,Jan,2006.
7) Utility of Audio Programmes in Primary School Curriculum Transaction,Primary Teacher,NCERT,New Delhi,Jan.,2006.
8) Role of Tele-conferencing in Teacher Education,Anweshika-Indian Journal of Teacher Education,Vol.4,No.2, ,New Delhi Dec,2007.
i like to learn from experiences of others and share knowledge with others
i love to read literature, articles of different researchers and writeup on latest technologies.
stories/poems like related to truth of life, presented in critically , funny manners
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