Training & Development

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Hi Anil
My name is Jenni Parker and I live in Australia. I am a training & development consultant and I'm currently putting together a unit on Workplace Learning for Edith Cowan University (ECU). This unit is part of the Bachelor of Business (Human Resources) and is a 3yrd year elective unit. I would be happy to contribute my knowledge to your project and assist with adding content for the Training & Development section.
Cheers jennip 01:47, 4 December 2008 (UTC)

Jennip (talk)13:47, 4 December 2008

Hi Jenni,

Thank you very much and warm welcome! An experienced practitioner like you will definitely be an asset to the project.

Now you can start at Training & Development page. I think it will be nice if we commence by listing all the topics first on the page, and starting new sub pages for each topic from there using the syntax [[/Topic Name//]]

Please feel free to let me know whenever you want to discuss some thing or want some formatting help etc. No limitation on the number of alerts that you can send me.

Warm regards Anil Prasad 11:51, 4 December 2008 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)23:51, 4 December 2008

Hi Jenni,

The topics you have added are very essential and appropriate ones. Therefore please proceed. I have made them linked pages for you.

Warm regards Anil Prasad 14:20, 5 December 2008 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)02:20, 6 December 2008