The literature review

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please forward the diagram, we were debating whether the literature review was long, remember the new lecturer made it quite clear that he inherited the module outline hence the assignments, whether he will be looking for the same things as his predecessor? we are actually contemplating scaling it down

Kay go (talk)05:32, 8 March 2010

Please do, and on the analysis try and relate to the leadership framework he emphaside during the lecturers, I really believe theory we need to scale down in every assignment for this year and put more emphasis on how to use the theory.--Luisaserra 16:37, 7 March 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)05:37, 8 March 2010

Thanks Luisa

Victor.mensah (talk)05:42, 8 March 2010

i totally agree with you on the application of theory on the analysis...we will try to apply it to the framework.

Kay go (talk)05:44, 8 March 2010

Iam concerned about the length of the literature review, however it is not good to leave major contents of the theories, thats wjy it is too long.

Hove (talk)05:39, 8 March 2010

Its possible to summarise points and capture more application elements to back the theory. What yu want to avoid is reproducing a book summary.

JEREMIAH CHAPHXANYA (talk)05:44, 8 March 2010

Thanks JC. The problem had been that the question asked for really too much. But we will try to summarize.

Victor.mensah (talk)05:48, 8 March 2010

Hove, I really do not think the assignment is about the theory, so do not put a lot of effort on that and do put more on the analysis of the theries and different life experiences of each one of us to get these traits coming through and then there let's put a lot of viwe points related to the different theories. The assignemnt guideline where it says "YOUR FINAL PRODUCT SHOULD INCLUDE" does not mention any dissertation about theories, so do scale it down. In the lessons the lecturer was very clear do not put a lot of pages for him, remember? Let's put the juicy part, the interviews our own experiences as "small" but important leaders in our various roles and the ana;ysis.These are my 10 cents thoughts--Luisaserra 16:49, 7 March 2010 (UTC)

Luisaserra (talk)05:49, 8 March 2010