Thanks again

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Thanx Patricia for your additions. I just saw the changes right in my face as i was working on the page. What is the easiest way to access the user pages of new members taking the current L$C workshop. I will like to fulfill my WikiNeigbour obligations to them?


Victor.mensah (talk)07:20, 28 February 2008


Hi Patricia,

In order not to cloud your space here, i decided to write on top of my old mail.

This note is to say thanks for your nomination. Cheers!!

--Victor P. K. Mensah 16:23, 21 August 2008 (UTC)

Victor.mensah (talk)05:23, 22 August 2008

Welcome, Victor!! Cheers, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)07:21, 12 September 2008

Hi Victor, Nice to hear from you. The best way to access L4C user pages is through the participants lists where it is indicated or create a new list by workshop when you are doing them, listing these. We ourselves haven't figured out how best to collect them and are working on improving this.

Cheers, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)10:21, 29 August 2008

Hi Victor, Best way is to create columns on the "Confirmed participants list" asking them to create the link by giving them an example and instructions on how to do this. This way you have it at your finger tip and can also certify them later. Cheers, Patricia

Pschlicht (talk)07:19, 12 September 2008