Style guide-design suggestions

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Hi friends,

My suggestions on the style guide for wiki-course development are given below:

Course Home Page[edit]

Course Home Page Structure of content on the page Page arrangement in wiki/suggested url
Page with the course name
  • Describe need for the course
  • List out Learning Objectives of the course
  • List out Leaning Outcomes for the entire course
  • Table of contents
  • Module
    • Topic list this is to highlight prototype phase or may use an all time alternative like Course Name

Module landing pages[edit]

Module landing page Structure of content on the page Page arrangement in wiki/suggested url
Page with the Module name
  • List out Learning Objectives of the Module
  • List out Leaning Outcomes for the Module
  • An overview of the Module
  • Table of contents
Topic list this is to highlight prototype phase or may use an all time alternative like

Similar landing pages may be created for every Module in the given course

Topic pages[edit]

Topic page Structure of content on the page Page arrangement in wiki/suggested url
Page with the Topic Name

A Topic Navigation Template linking all the topics in the given Module is placed on top of all topic pages. Topic Nav Temp may also contain links to Module Landing Page and next Module in the sequence of the course

Lengthy topics should be divided as sub-topics with the content sections as given below

  • List out Learning Objectives of the Topic
  • List out Leaning Outcomes for the Topic
  • An overview of the Topic
  • Topic in detail
  • Summary of the topic
  • Revision questions
  • Assignment/Suggested activities
  • References/Resources for further learning
Topic list Name/Module1_ModuleName/Topic1_TopicName this is to highlight prototype phase or may use an all time alternative like

Similar pages may be created for every topic in the given course

Use of Navigation Templates[edit]

Navigation templates are essential to facilitate easy and systematic surfing through the content of a course. For this purpose following two major Navigation Templates are required.

Module Navigation Template[edit]

- it is a navigation template which carries the links leading to the course home page and the landing page of each module in the course. It has to be placed on the course home page as well as on each module landing page.

Topic Navigation Templates[edit]

-Separate topic navigation templates for each module in the course have to be developed. The topic navigation template shall carry links leading to the topics in a given module as well as the module landing page. Topic Navigation Template for a given module has to be placed on top of all topic pages coming under the module.

Anil Prasad (talk)20:28, 30 April 2012

Hi Anil,

Thank you very much for these suggestions. Clearly your extensive wiki experience is adding much value to the OERu initiative.

I suspect that many of the structural components you recommend will be incorporated into the style guide as we move forward. Thanks for these suggestions.

With reference to some of the pedagogical aspects, for example inclusion of learning objectives, the OERu partners decided at the 2011.11 meeting that we would not dictate pedagogical approaches. For instance, there are learning design models which would argue against the inclusion of behavioral objectives -- so its unlikely that pedagogical recommendations will be included in the style guide.

However, the style guide specify layout guidelines where pedagogical elements are included in the pages to promote consistency, for example using pedagogical templates to assist with the look and feel of course materials.

Mackiwg (talk)18:11, 10 May 2012