I require an advice for my content develop

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Hi Patricia,

I sent a personal message using the Hello Template to 8 new users since last weekend. I have invited them to suscribe to online workshops too. How many people do you recomend to send a welcome message per week? I know that is required to help new users to increase their wiki skills too and I don´t know how many people I could to help with that, this is my concern and the reason of my question.

At this moment I have not had any reply of Wayne regarding to help in translate newbie tutorials into Spanish language. I know I could start to develop a project but I prefer to start with translation works due to I need to know how to develop a project better. I am not a teacher and I need to learn how to develop educational resources first, I think OER handbook is a good source to start with this.

I visited the WE in spanish and I found my username works in this wiki too, but my user page is empty. Do I need to edit a new user page in Spanish too?. Do you know Who is in charge of Spanish WidkiEducator?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Warm regards


J vidals (talk)02:46, 8 October 2008