How shall we develop the project?

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The name Edu-patron is an acronym for Participatory Research and Training for Promoting Online Open Education. Edu-patron project is intended to facilitate participatory research and training for promoting online open education.

Now the crucial question, how shall we develop the project? Please add your comments.

Warm regards,
Anil Prasad 09:42, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)21:42, 23 March 2009


I love the name, Edu-patron. It's a new word for me and so doesn't come with any preconceived notions. That's a good thing, I think.

I've seen many pages on WE that relate to this idea of promoting outside-the-classroom learning via online content. I think there's many of us that are thinking along these lines. In my explorations of available content generally available on the internet, there is very little open content (i.e., doesn't limit use to only non-commercial) designed for learning outside of the classroom. From among those, there seem to be very few that I would consider reliable, accurate, coherent, appealing, adaptable.... (from Vision for WE).

I like the idea of creating a place that collects all aspects of promoting online learning. It seems to me that there are (at least) four parts:

Theory -- I see this as mostly about the vision for open online learning (definitions, values, principles, potentials, outcomes, ...). I think there are a number of pages already on WE in this category.

Design -- This is about creating content -- what elements should be included, how to organize content for optimal adaptability, example style-guides, example content that reflects optimal design

Implementation -- ideas and examples for how people will use the content and receive "credit" for their learning -- both outside and inside traditional classrooms, both independently and with others, both from-a-distance and locally.

Evaluation -- This would be research on existing learning content implementation with outcomes feeding back to theory, design, and implementation

Anil, does this mesh with your thinking?


ASnieckus (talk)01:16, 27 March 2009

Hi Alison,

Great to have you here. You are right. A lot of valuable contributions are here on WikiEducator. We have to converge the strength of all those efforts for delivering online ODL services with the spirit and effectiveness that the WikiEducator is targeting.

Thank you for rightly identifying the pillars on which the Edu-patron has to be built viz Theory, Design, Implementation, Evaluation. Let us work together to bring more and more WE family members to Edu-patron Node.

Anil Prasad 06:02, 27 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)18:02, 27 March 2009

Anil, Thanks for your thoughts. I will work on recruiting more participants.

I added my name to the researchers table -- the reason I didn't before is because I don't really feel like a researcher (i.e., I don't do educational research like what is done under that heading here in the US). In the US, researchers work on ideas, likely solutions, but they don't really work on making them happen. I'm interested in making things happen. I wonder if others will have the same reaction. Maybe adding a definition of what we mean by researcher, or finding a different word that doesn't conjure up preconceived notions.

Just having a thought. Edu-patron is a noun that suggests a description of a person. We could call ourselves Edu-patrons. What do you think?


ASnieckus (talk)12:08, 29 March 2009


Yours is a wonderful concept. Researchers at WE are called Edupatrons, means they research and implement!


Anil Prasad 06:44, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)18:44, 29 March 2009


I revised your definition of an edupatron and added it to the researchers@Edu-patron page. I ended up flipping the wording, cause I thought it flowed better, although I'm not completely happy with the repetition of "open online education..." See what you think.

Also, I renamed the headings in the columns to be Edupatrons.


ASnieckus (talk)10:57, 30 March 2009

Thank you Alison. We can continue to refine the definition as and when we get new is the real wiki way <smile>

Anil Prasad 09:30, 30 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)21:30, 30 March 2009