Dear Vasantji,
Hearty welcome to the Home Page of India on WE. As Mr. Wayne has mentioned, INDUCTION PROGRAMME FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHER EDUCATORS is an innovative project that can be replicated to all other parts of our globe.
With your permission I am shifting INDUCTION PROGRAMME FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHER EDUCATORS to Country Team Projects in India section on Indiapage.
Hope to chat you soon.
With warm regads Anil
Dear Anilji, I think you have done the right thing by shifting the page to an appropriate place. Thanks. Vasant D. Bhat.
Dear Vasantji,
I am also interested in peace education and would like to collaborate with you and others in promoting peace collaboration on WE.
Please let me know whether you are still interested.
Thank you. --Nellie Deutsch 14:40, 30 January 2009 (UTC)