Definitions for gender, sex and gender balance
Hi Belinda,
Thank you for your message and to realise how knowledgable on issues of gender and in particular to the definitions on gender and sex. I totally agree with you that gender roles can be changed if people want because there are no biological or sex elements in them. For example, both a man and a woman can carry out household chores such as drawing water, collecting fuirewood, taking care of children, cooking, tending to farming activities etc whereas, sex/bilogical roles such as breastfeeding a baby, getting pregnant can not bechanged to bo done by men. Equally pregnanting a woman can only be done by a man who biologically is the one who produces sperms. kindly also look at the discussion that I sent to K. Tembo on the definitions. Good luck.--Simonda 10:28, 14 January 2011 (UTC)