Amazing progress in a short timeframe -- Are we trying to do too much?
Hi Anil and contributors to the WikiEducator Administrator initiative.
Wow -- progress on this Workgroup has been amazing within a very short time frame. Kudos goes to Anils' leadership and tireless efforts in keeping this workgroup to the grindstone. This workgroup is working on:
- Five policy proposals and
- Three guideline proposals
I wondering if we are perhaps being overly ambitious in trying to get all this work done by the next Council meeting? Given the importance of this work, I'm wondering whether we are able to give the attention, reflection and discussion that all these proposal deserve.
I'd like to propose that we allow ourselves a little more time to discuss and polish this work. The WikiEducator Community Policy provides the option for a special resolution, i.e. "A resolution distributed to all Council members and signed by two thirds of the addressed members shall have the same force as if it were passed at a duly called meeting of the Council.".
Therefore it would be possible for us to give ourselves a little more time to work on these proposals, without the need of waiting for the next council meeting. I propose that we consider approval of these policies and guidelines by special resolution after the next council meeting.
Hi Wayne, I agree with you, we are going very fast & hence I am not able to keep pace with everything (along with a hectic new academic session in college). More time is certainly welcome. Anil has done a wonderful job, his eye for details inspires me. WE is taking a step forward. Thanks to all who are contributing actively. Warm regards --Gita Mathur 02:06, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Dear all,
I view the present suggestion as a success of our WE Community life, we have really got harmonized.
I was also thinking that we may place this as a project proposal with work-in-progress documents, and the council may officially approve the project to take it up with wider attention and deeper focus with an expanded time frame. In the mean time council can also advise the community to consult the work in progress documents for related issues as an interim arrangement.
We started with a suggestion to develop guidelines for admin users and quite naturally we have identified that so many things should come prior to that and many should follow immediately after that. Though the time frame was over-ambitious, it had provided substantial initial momentum for the initiatives, that were imminent, to start at the right time.
Now we may amend the charter suitably.
Warm regards Anil Prasad 03:59, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
The WE community is really coming together rather well.
In the light of the scope we have to suggest a special resolution for this work we could consider:
- Recalibrating the time frame/ project plan proposed in the Charter
- Rather than attempting to work on all the policies and guidelines simultaneously, to allocate blocks of time for each policy and to phase the development.
- Prepare a brief report on activities to date
- Present the charter @ Council for their endorsement
- Table a council request for a special resolution and voting on these policies a little later in the year (rather than waiting for the next full Council meeting)
Great work -- lets keep the magic alive!
Dear Dr. Wayne,
I agree with your suggestion.
Warm regards
Anil Prasad 04:24, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Hi Anil,
You had already suggested the way forward in your earlier post -- I just added the bullets ;-)
We need to think about a process for amending the charter. Do we want to approve the amended charter in the same way we approved the original? I'm thinking we probably should do so. We want to create a clear trail of how the work proceeded.
So, how about we copy the existing charter to a subpage (with a link on the active charter page), reset the project plan/outputs (I like the staged approach that Wayne suggests) and any other sections that need revision and then reapprove.
Good suggestion. We may copy the first version of the charter to a subpage, and rework the mainpage for second version.
Anil Prasad 16:23, 31 August 2009 (UTC)
The experience with WE Administrators gave WE Workgroups an opportunity to consider the steps for amending a charter and include some guidance on this process in the Policy for Community Workgroups. I'm hopeful this can help us, in WE Administrators, work through the process quickly.
Also note that we've changed the charter boilerplate since WE Administrators first drafted their charter. See Help:Workgroup charter. I think the biggest change is we dropped a few sections. Shall I work through version 2 to revising as needed to fit the new boilerplate? It's definitely not worth starting from scratch.
I agree.
The group may rework the plan/charter and continue its work taking sufficient time. However WCC will be free to review the progress achived so far and offer commetns or pass resolutions in its next meeting.
I completely agree with this suggestion. These are important decisions and there are lots of small details that need to be fit together. Anil, you have done a great job getting this going. Without having taken the steps to get this going and laid out as you have done, we wouldn't know that we need more time :)