Talk:OER Handbook/educator/Appendices/All rights reserved repositories

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
"All rights Reserved"110:24, 26 June 2008
Entries to move105:20, 26 June 2008

"All rights Reserved"

The title is confusing.

See for example the BSD licenses (or any license associated with copyright).

I general, first assert that you are the copyright holder, then grant permissions to the "user".

Avoid this phrase throughout the handbook (it crops up quite often).

Either state the actual license that applies, or label the repository/resource as "permission required" (for usage as an OER) and/or "restricted access", etc..

Ktucker (talk)10:05, 26 June 2008

I agree that it needs to be changed. I suppose the original thinking behind "All Rights Reserved" is that it is a phrase that educators are likely to have come across.

"permission required for usage as an OER" is too long and "Restricted access" doesn't convey the real problem (many of these repositories can be accessed by anyway, it's use beyond that being the problem). What about "fully copyrighted" or "traditional copyright?"

I need something I can put in a sentence like so "the _____ repositories are in the appendix."

Sgurell (talk)10:24, 26 June 2008

Entries to move

  • ITrainOnline:
An Open Content site:
"ItrainOnline is committed to the free and fair sharing of development information. The information and annotations on our site are free, and can be reproduced, translated, and disseminated without restriction. Most of the material described in the collection is free. Please respect the copyright restrictions on the external sites described on this site."
Ktucker (talk)05:05, 26 June 2008

Entry moved to general repositories under Public Domain, as I couldn't think of a better place for it.

Sgurell (talk)05:20, 26 June 2008