Talk:OER Collaboration in African Agricultural Education/Rationale

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Need to include Transaction Management in AOER QF016:42, 10 March 2009
What we are including in OER112:58, 10 March 2009
Suggested change of heading212:26, 10 March 2009
OER Background Doc103:37, 10 March 2009
Agricultural universities213:28, 9 March 2009

Need to include Transaction Management in AOER QF

Dear Dr. Wayne and other friends,

The proposed AOER framework may also cover market/transaction management of agriculture commodities. It will help in two ways, One after education the students can continue with microfinance entrepreneurship activities etc in agriculture sector, two: if they continue academic/research activities they will be able to easily connect the researches to develop successful livelihood models.

Warm regards
Anil Prasad 03:42, 10 March 2009 (UTC)

Anil Prasad (talk)16:42, 10 March 2009

What we are including in OER


Although the definitions we have referred to are pretty general for OER, we have only really been referring to courseware, learning objects and a little to text books). Do we want to at all think about FLOSS/OSS, OA research, Learning Designs, Open Design Patterns, etc.? Or will this just confuse the issue??

Kenudas (talk)03:43, 10 March 2009

Great question. Anything that reinforces the case for OER's impact on curriculum, and direct/indirect impact on farmers and other stakeholders (researchers, extension agents, industry), is useful. We don't want to get sidetracked.

Cgeith (talk)12:58, 10 March 2009

Suggested change of heading

Hi Ken,

There is a subsection titled: Inventory of CourseWare Assets which documents the growth on OER content. I'm wondering whether we shouldn't change this subtitle to "International growth in OER"' (or something similar) as this will provide us the scope to highlight capacity development projects and advocacy initiatives which are also good indicators of the increased international momentum around OER?

Mackiwg (talk)17:59, 9 March 2009

Wayne, Great suggestion. The only data that I have, which Chris forwarded from the OCWC blog is from teh OCWC, do you have any other sources for OER, growth?

Chris, if you have any Ag inventory information, please feel free to psot, or send it to me.

Kenudas (talk)03:40, 10 March 2009


I'll take a look and see if I can fill in any gaps from relevant data sources.


Mackiwg (talk)12:26, 10 March 2009

OER Background Doc

Ken, thank you for a very thorough overview of OER in general. You provide the base discussion on top of which we will build the case for each approach we intend to pursue. The African context, issues and exmaples are central to the background and rationale and you've suggested several places for that work in this current version. Thanks!

Cgeith (talk)13:38, 9 March 2009

Chris, I am trying to get more "tangible" impact numbers and stories from the projects. Will keep building as I get additional information. I will also take a stab at writing a "stub" for the Introduction and Conclusion, but expect that those sections will be heavily modified right to the end.

Kenudas (talk)03:37, 10 March 2009

Agricultural universities

To be precise, the project is not specifically aimed for agricultural universities. It is aimed at universities, colleges, faculties, and departments of agriculture. For example, the RUFORUM consortium includes at least one university of agriculture--Sokoine, it also includes a college--Bunda College of Agriculture, as well as faculties. So I would use the wording that I have suggested above or some variant of it.

Llevey (talk)05:36, 8 March 2009

Liz, good point. I have made some adjustments within the text. This is something that will be important also for the other authors. This section is principally general background abut OER.

Kenudas (talk)01:40, 9 March 2009

Liz, thanks for the clarification.

Cgeith (talk)13:28, 9 March 2009