Talk:Million Pillars Economy- theory development project

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified open platform for badges 004:53, 5 December 2019
Budding Economist Badge - proposal 004:57, 26 November 2019
Is Million Pillars Economy operational right now?006:05, 16 November 2019
Your thoughts on the need for the theory.004:09, 3 November 2019
Warm welcome to Million Pillars Economy Theory Development Project!019:40, 27 October 2019 open platform for badges



I was playing with an open platform for creating and awarding badges. Badges can be awarded through email. An interesting platform.

Does anyone here use this platform?

Warm regards Anil

Anil Prasad (talk)04:53, 5 December 2019

Budding Economist Badge - proposal



Shall we introduce a badge for students who log on to Million Pillars Economy project page and write an article on the proposed principal theory or sub-theories?

Article should be of minimum 750 words and added as a new discussion.

We may name the badge as Budding Economist (BE). If agreed, wiki volunteers may come forward and design the badge.

Anil Prasad (talk)04:57, 26 November 2019

Is Million Pillars Economy operational right now?


Million Pillars Economy is operational in many countries. But we are yet to realize it. I will give you a hint. When mergers make you get amazed at the growth of giants, in reality, the giants are run and services reach masses through business outsourced/franchisees given to small and medium enterprises!

Anil Prasad (talk)06:04, 16 November 2019

Your thoughts on the need for the theory.


Friends, hope you have read the need for the new theory. What are your initial thoughts?

Anil Prasad (talk)04:09, 3 November 2019

Warm welcome to Million Pillars Economy Theory Development Project!


Hello friends,

You are warmly welcomed to contribute ideas to develop Million Pillars Economy Theory for a better world. It is a project development driven by volunteers.

Anil Prasad (talk)19:40, 27 October 2019