Talk:Main Page

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Composition Writing002:27, 25 March 2022
Featured project column000:42, 28 July 2021
Water Abundance - Creating Water from Thin Air.009:19, 18 February 2020
Adult Literacy Grand Challenge Research010:31, 14 February 2020
The adoption of WikiEducator as a tool for education021:54, 27 June 2019
'''AI to solve the world's Challenges'''014:00, 14 February 2019
Global Learning - Empowering children to take control of their own learning012:44, 14 February 2019
Heightening The Extents Of Access To Digital Mobile Era In Uganda018:00, 2 August 2016
Librarians and Web 2.0 applications317:43, 2 August 2016
Web 2.0 teaching learning in higher education618:42, 3 September 2015
Introduction007:47, 4 August 2015
Web 2.0 and Library Collaborative Work614:05, 17 June 2015
System of examination022:59, 22 October 2014
Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning714:10, 18 September 2014
Malawi After 50 Years...Let's List down our Successes021:09, 3 September 2014
Web 2.0 for development101:57, 13 June 2014
Library use in government ministries101:55, 13 June 2014
Practice Page - Web 2.0121:10, 10 June 2014
Classification scheme121:10, 10 June 2014
Importance of school libraries221:06, 10 June 2014
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Composition Writing

In essay writing, one must know the topic and the ideas they want to put forth in the topic. An essay topic based on Narrative writing can be 'The accident I witnessed'. What are some ideas we can derive based on the topic?

Sasharadey1234 (talk)02:27, 25 March 2022

Featured project column

I would like to propose that we may start a featured project column on the home page so that we can provide more visibility to the interesting content inside. Your thoughts?

Anil Prasad (talk)00:42, 28 July 2021

Water Abundance - Creating Water from Thin Air.

I chose the topic: Water Abundance: Creating Water from Thin Air.

The current status of work on this challenge is advancing. There have been two different solutions brought to the forefront, but there is still major work being contributed to these new ideas. Technology will help meet the challenge by offering efforts and constantly labor replacing human efforts. The two solutions that have been offered are 1) A wind powered generator that collects moisture from the air, and 2) A storage container unit with a generator inside that collects the air, changes the temperature, and collects the condensation to produce water. These solutions have been successful so far, but funding and resources are still being gathered for production to increase.

There are two main groups that have advanced the technology and work done on this particular Grand Challenge, as well as won the XPrize for their solutions. They are:

JMCC WING (XPRIZE Winner) - the McCanney WING Generator Their efforts and the technology being used to solve this challenge are shown here:

The design is based on two existing technologies which both have been crowd funded and/or privately funded and built. The advent of the Water Abundance X-Prize caused the marriage of the two technologies that would not have been possible even a few years ago. The energy source is the McCanney WING Generator, a high torque low cost wind energy system which is used to power the JMCC WING, LLC existing commercial line of Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs). Water extraction from the air requires large amounts of energy to operate no matter what the process. The Atmospheric Water Generators are simple and rugged. The compressors and fans can operate for years with little maintenance. The fans use 10 % of the energy with the other 90% to operate the compressors which cool the coils to extract the water. They require considerable power to operate but enter the efficient high torque McCanney WING Generator and now the energy can be derived for a low cost from the wind. The energy requirements from traditional energy sources such as the grid, 3 blade wind generators or solar make them too expensive to install and operate. To meet the XPrize stringent requirement of 2 cents per liter, a very efficient natural source of energy is required. This prompted the inclusion of the McCanney WING Generator as the low-cost source of energy. As the WING Generators scale to larger sizes, because they grow in 3 dimensions (not 2 dimensions as is the case with solar and traditional wind systems), and because they produce energy from low to very high wind speeds (they do not have to be shut down in high winds), the comparative cost per unit energy of the WING Generator system decreases exponentially with increasing size.

The Skysource/Skywater Alliance (XPRIZE Winner) - WEDEW

WEDEW runs on biomass gasification, which operates at less than 1/10th the cost of solar PV while occupying the area of a single panel. Biomass fuel is available in many parts of the world for little or no cost as the byproducts of agriculture, forestry, and natural disasters. Biomass gasification has competitive advantages when compared to alternative sources of power for atmospheric generation, possessing the convenient benefits of diesel gensets without the harmful effects. Climate Resilience - WEDEW helps communities plan for and respond to global climate change by providing reliable energy and water, which works no matter how volatile the environment becomes. Self-Reliance - WEDEW is a point-of-use system, meaning vulnerable communities are no longer beholden to infrastructure for their water and power. The sustainable exchange of biomass for water around WEDEW can become the cornerstone of local economies. Emergency Response - WEDEW contains everything needed for aid work in a secure, transportable container. It can provide on-demand water and power during emergency events in addition to refrigeration, cooling, and communication.

RAINMAKER - Solar and Wind Powered Generators/ Air-to-Water Units

The core Air-to-Water unit uses a turbine that forces air through a heat exchanger, where the air is cooled and condensation takes place. A hybrid solution (solar/wind/grid) can be deployed to the same effect by driving a ventilation system. Lowering the temperature of air requires minimal energy. When the temperature falls below its dew point, water droplets will form. These droplets then collect in a water storage compartment. The water production of the Air-to-Water system depends on the environment. The actual amount of water that can be produced in a particular location will depend on the average wind speed, the ambient temperature, and the relative humidity. To make the system work under different conditions, the turbine can be adapted to the environment in which it will be used, such as adjusting the blade diameter and the height of the tower to maximize the efficiency of the unit. The turbine can also be combined with solar and/or traditional power to maximize water production. In each case, the Rainmaker engineers will optimize a solution for every customer. Rainmakers Air-to-Water units use renewable energy and are available in three sizes, producing 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 liters of drinking water per day.

Likebutta48 (talk)09:18, 18 February 2020

Adult Literacy Grand Challenge Research

[1] The project that I chose is Adult Literacy: Transforming One Million Lives Through Literacy. The current status of this challenge is "awarded" meaning that it is complete and the various cash awards have been given to the winners. For this challenge and the groups that participated in it, the various teams created free apps that were downloaded by adults in the community surrounding each team. Technology is helping to meet this challenge because technology is what is helping with the low-literacy issue. Because low-literacy is being targeted using free apps that will be used by adults on their smart devices, technology is how the low-literacy rates will be targeted. The teams that won the challenge were divided into three tiers based on the number of downloads they got with tier one being the most downloads, tier two having the second most, and tier three having the least number of downloads. The winner of tier one was team World Education that won $150,000 for their contribution to adult literacy. The winner of tier two was team ProLiteracy who was awarded $100,000 for their contribution to adult literacy. The final tier, tier three, was won by team Adult Literacy Partners of Houston who was awarded $50,000 for their contribution to adult literacy.

[2] We All Can Read is a subscription service akin to having a full-time tutor 24 hours a day seven days a week just to help you read proficiently. This site provides a combination of video, audio, and text adding up to 720 lessons that must be completed in order to proceed. The user starts off by watching a video to explain the lesson, then they listen to audio that corresponds to the text they will be reading; they must proceed one lesson at a time through all 720 lessons while also completing 400 worksheets that are embedded in the curriculum and complete a quiz with 80% or higher every three lessons or so to move on. While this is something you can use on a computer, there is also an app that can be used, making a computer unnecessary if you do not have access to one. This is such a successful site/program/subscription service because it focuses on the phonics that are the foundation of literacy and targets it at adults rather than children. Phonics are typically no longer taught after the second grade, making many phonics options very childish, while this program is meant to teach adult learners phonics in a way that works for their more developed brains. There are many subscription options available, but no matter what option you choose you have the first 10 lessons free to you. This way you can test out the site and see if this is a good option for you, or if something else is going to be a better fit for you. Upon clicking the link above for We All Can Read you will see a letter written by Carole along with a picture of her and her account of what the program did for her. In short she loved it and it helped with her reading and spelling after not learning phonics as a child.

[3] SightPhonics is an online program that has been teaching adults learners how to read since 2000 and is available for the classroom as well as for your computer, tablet, or smart phone. SightPhonics is available in three separate forms so that you can use this in whatever way works best for you; these are actual books, DVD that can be used as audio as you follow along with the book, or online (which is what I will be detailing here). The online version teaches you by reading the instructions, sounds, and words aloud once they have been clicked on. There is also a feature that breaks down the words for you when you scroll over the word and then teaches you to put the sounds together to make the actual word. This program helps with spelling as well as reading by teaching you the various sounds in the words in a progression so that the sounds build on each other and you can then spell and read when see a word since you understand the sounds. This program was researched with the goal of teaching the most words and sounds possible in the least amount of time for people with busy schedules. This program uses letter sets and letter families to allow for quicker visual recognition. This program is fairly inexpensive with the price being only $85 for the entire year when you purchase the online option and comes with a six day money back guarantee if this ends up not being the program that works best for you. This is a successful service/program/subscription service because of the way that the material is presented; in small sections that build on each other to give a strong foundation. It was also created by a teacher who often worked with students and adults that were behind in their literacy and understands what needs to be taught to have it stick and work for these learners. Throughout the link above for SightPhonics you will see a variety of quotes/testimonials from different people describing their experience with the program. The first one you will come across is from a woman named Linda who uses the program to teach to her adult learners and has found it to work well with or without her instruction and to be helpful to her students.

[4] [5] Both of the above links are for Gemm Learning which is an online resource for people of all ages and learning abilities. The first link is for the specific adult learners page where it describes how Fast ForWord online brain training software will help you learn to read with 3-5 sessions a week of just 30 minutes each. Fast ForWord is a clinical strength program that can be used from the comfort of your home and done at your own pace. You start by taking an assessment and then an individualized sequence of programs is designed to meet your needs where you are at. The second link above is for the actual Fast ForWord page. Fast ForWord was made using more than 240 research studies, more than three million students across four countries, and was developed by four world-renowned neuroscientists. Each program, there are 10 total, has between five and seven games that target one or more cognitive, language and/or reading skill. This program taps into the brains ability to change and grow; you are asked to make hundreds of decisions quickly creating new neural connection and learning abilities. The goal is to remove underlying impediments to allow for higher achievement. This is designed to work quickly and is often done in four to six months which is about half the time of what the other two programs I have listed above. This is such a successful program because of the drastic amount of research that has been done coupled with the skilled scientists that worked to make this program fit for all learners. Being able to take an assessment and then have an entire program tailored to you is another useful part of the program that lead to its success. If you follow the first link for Gemm Learning above, on the right of the page you will see a testimonial from a 58 year old woman named Gail that used this program and has improved her reading speed and comprehension.

Fantazya (talk)08:32, 14 February 2020

The adoption of WikiEducator as a tool for education

How can Wikieducator be adopted as a tool for education in the higher institutions? share your opinion.Big text

Computer science department (talk)21:54, 27 June 2019

'''AI to solve the world's Challenges'''

AI to solve the world's Challenges

Using artificial intelligence to make the world a better place.

There are many issues that could be solved with the use of AI. Problems ranging from Energy Efficiency, Environment, Transportation, Fodd and water, Disease and Human Suffering, Education and many others. The possibilities are endless.

Many artificial intelligence projects are working to solve a lot of the problems we face.

The first one is Comma.AI

I have been following George Hotz and his creations for a while now even though he went MIA for a bit. He has been extremely creative with his projects and has always excelled at pushing technology. Back when he was 17 he was able to crack the career locked iPhone and later the ps3 which he got in a lot of trouble for and because of a lawsuit he promised to never hack any Sony consoles.

One of his recent projects is The world of autonomous driving is expanding and for a good reason. Over 90% of the crashes are caused by some type of human error. Tesla is a big player in the world of autonomous driving and recently Google has been trying to get involved with Waymo. George has created a device that learns from driving patterns of people and is able to convert cars into fully autonomous vehicles using the inbuilt cruise control system. His goal is to achieve level 4 autonomous driving which is cars driving without any need for human help. After his deal with Tesla did not go through he decided to make the project open source and after getting through some legal issues he is able to sell his device on his website.

The software is not perfect but it learns from its mistakes and is able to recognize human driving patterns. The device itself is very cheap and is supported on may cars already. The more people use it the better it gets and the closer we get to achieving fully autonomous vehicle and fewer lives are lost due to car crashes.

CIMON a companion for an astronaut.

CIMON is still in development but is still the very first AI robot to ever go to the space station.

Astronauts have to complete many difficult jobs and Crew Interactive Mobile Companion or CIMON for short will be there to help them. The robot is equipped with facial recognition so is able to know who he?/she?/it? Is talking to. Its able to fly around in the spaceship and astronauts are simply able to ask him for his help on certain experiments. This is just the beginning of companion robots. Things always start out for a big purpose before they make it to the general public. The Internet was developed for the Military and the GPS was also made for the military but now we all have access to it. It won’t be far until every person has their own companion robots that are able to help them out on their day to day tasks making our lives easier.

AI in Agriculture!

The recent interest in AI has created an endless possibility for every field and agriculture is not getting left behind. There are a ton of different technologies being developed to help with humans with their agricultural tasks such as harvesting crops. Ones fully developed the robots are going to be able to monitor the crops and the soil, analyze and predict environmental impacts on the crop yield. They will also be able to recognize unwanted plants and remove them so the crop gets all the nutrients it needs. This is just the beginning of the development of new AI technology as it progresses forward you can even expect fully autonomous farms that produce way more food then we have every done without us having to do a single thing.

These are only a few of the issues that are being solved by AI right now but the possibilities are infinite. Any issue you can think of can be solved by developed AI. I think when we rea AI is as intelligent as a human being AI will be able to better itself and that can allow us to throw any of our problem at and it would come up with may possible solutions. Which then we can decide to impliment to solve our problems.

There is also another problem with AI people like to think that AI is dangerous and will eventually take away people’s jobs. However, that is not the case AI taking over our tasks just means that we have better things to do and work on other types of technology. We have not had to adapt to a single thing in our recent human history. If we don’t like something we end up changing it. Advance AI might be the only thing that requires us to adapt to it and take on newer and bigger tasks.

HettyPatel (talk)14:00, 14 February 2019

Global Learning - Empowering children to take control of their own learning

A thread, Thread:Talk:Main Page/Global Learning - Empowering children to take control of their own learning, was moved from here to User talk:SL. This move was made by JimTittsler (Talk | contribs) on 14 February 2019 at 00:44.

Heightening The Extents Of Access To Digital Mobile Era In Uganda

I live in Uganda. I am 18 myself. You cant imagine how hard, expensive and inaccessible internet and mobile phones are here. I has been hard for myself to reach such a platform. Friends, where does this leave us when the rest of the world is jumping onto the Zuckerberg's invisible horseless carriage of our time.

Mtssemwanga (talk)18:00, 2 August 2016

Librarians and Web 2.0 applications

Dear participants,

Discuss your views how librarians can collaboratively use web 2.0 applications in improving libraries.



Decka (talk)11:35, 4 November 2015

Thanks for raising that topic. I think web2.0 presents a new era of real time collaboration between librarians just like in the scientific fields of collaborative research and work. Like any other technical fields, librarians do have issues and challenges that can be solved collaboratively via such platforms (web2.0 technology applications) by convening ideas and mobilizing resources to assist one another. But most importantly, keeping up with knowledge of such technology advances is a huge challenge for the modern day librarians in PNG and that is someting that requires serious consideration by the top management of library departments. Continuous training and upskilling of librarians and readily available infrastructure is a way forward to enhance the will and morale of librarians to utilize web2.0 applications to improve library services.

Luiphlp (talk)12:03, 4 November 2015

It is far more exciting to really get Web 2.0 application be used in libraries. it is to the best betterment or efficient collaborative tool for getting and sharing information and ideas within organizations and institutions. Library as the main information centre for all collective sources of diverse knowledge. Web 2.0 application being use as a means of collaborative purpose for improving libraries is the best.

Ssailohana (talk)12:58, 4 November 2015

I belive that the inteliigene of web 2.0 simply needs more participation from the key players (ie the librarians themseleves to make this happen.

Mtssemwanga (talk)17:43, 2 August 2016

Web 2.0 teaching learning in higher education

Hi All,

Please share your views and suggestions on how best we can use web 2.o application for teaching and learning in higher education

Your feedbacks will enable us for future development to educations system.

Thank you

Decka David

Decka (talk)16:53, 3 September 2015

I was thinking that of the idea of introducing new students during the orientation week to partake in learning Web 2.0. But of course, the first step is to upgrade all staff particularly academic staff. The course is paving the way forward for this to happen, which is pleasing to see. Whilst a student at University of Technology Sydney, I noticed that during orientation week, new students are trained on various study skills, referencing skills, teaching & learning techniques that will facilitate their learning.

Icosmas (talk)17:01, 3 September 2015

The course content is educational especially for us the Lecturers however the ICT must give priority to facilitate the network for such courses and also it must be run during the study break so it does not interrupt our weekly lecture schedules.

Yours sincerely,

N.KAPI Participant

Nkapi (talk)17:04, 3 September 2015

Continue educating university staff on the importance and how to use web 2.0 in using it to disseminate information to students. TLMU is doing a good job in doing that so far...

Anapitalai (talk)17:08, 3 September 2015

As one of the administrative staff who attended this course of web 2.0 and the skills acquire will help me to create a better work plan for the unitech staff such as sharing the academic contract application forms and will assist the new appointees on recruitment on the google map to show direction and location of unitech campus and Lae city.

I suggest that who continue to offer such courses to help all academic staff and support staff so that we all can collaborating and make learning and teaching in higher education enjoyable.

Esther M Petau (talk)17:10, 3 September 2015


You did not made a mistake to participant in this course training. You made a valid point stating what you can do at higher education system.

Decka (talk)18:42, 3 September 2015

As one of the administrative staff who attended this course of web 2.0 and the skills acquire will help me to create a better work plan for the unitech staff such as sharing the academic contract application forms and will assist the new appointees on recruitment on the google map to show direction and location of unitech campus and Lae city.

I suggest that you continue to offer such courses to help all academic staff and support staff so that we all can collaborating and make learning and teaching in higher education enjoyable.

Esther M Petau (talk)17:11, 3 September 2015



This link provided a brief yet inspirational tool to incorporate technology in classroom settings. I feel like this video explains how using the internet as helping hand to improve classroom environments.


This website serves more like a lesson plan and the diagram is a way to for a discussion in future classroom projects or open dialog. 


As a student i agree incorporating videos is a fun way to learn, using many other styles, technology as a little of current events to any learning lessons.

Amylune (talk)07:47, 4 August 2015

Web 2.0 and Library Collaborative Work

Hi Web 2.0 and Librarianship participants,

Please give me productive views about how best we can use the skills to make collaborative work in Libraries in Papua New Guinea especilly in the workplace.

Thank you for your productive comments.

Decka David Web 2.0 Trianer

Decka (talk)13:12, 17 June 2015


I think with the new trend in IT, web 2.0 would be more effective and useful in academic libraries in bringing information to students in different locations in the world.. there are some libraries who do not have certain recommended text books, and by using this method, i think we would be able to help our students in one way or the other

Thank you.


Agarada (talk)13:35, 17 June 2015

I agree with Arabai's insight on how Web 2.0 can contribute to the needs of the students where ever they. I would also like to add that web 2.0 is a very powerful resource in information and that people who use it can do many wonders with it. For example, if i am doing a paper on environmental conservation and I need vital information, I can look up a chat group on my particular topic and discuss it with other people in that field or profession.

Teiio (talk)13:47, 17 June 2015

I think collaborative work using wikis as a medium of sharing information would be very useful for small libraries with limited funding and scarce resources to benefit from bigger libraries.

Erom (talk)13:43, 17 June 2015

Hi Decka

We have different work environments. For my case I keep information needed by lawyers and researchers.

In any case as information keepers we need to share with our users. this

F Opa (talk)13:49, 17 June 2015

Hi Decka,

This is very helpful in teaching and learning, I also beleive it will greatly assist govt libraries in information sharing.


Mamui Catherine (talk)13:50, 17 June 2015

wiki educator is good use.

Pahe (talk)14:05, 17 June 2015

System of examination

Do we curtailing students passion towards subject by conducting exams on it...... NOTE:IS FOR STUDENTS WHO DO NOT WANT TO STUDY THEORY SORTS OF THING.

Amaresh8285 (talk)22:59, 22 October 2014

Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning

Hi all,

What are your views and suggestions on using the web 2.0 for academic purposes at PNG University of Technology?

Its an open discussions portal and you can suggest better solutions to the advantages and disadvantages towards this.

Thank you.

Decka David

Decka (talk)13:13, 18 September 2014

Advantage - My first time to be introduce to Wikieducator interesting to learn about.

Advantage - Would you be able to run it for a week would be better.

Lucasmarilyn140 (talk)13:19, 18 September 2014

Teaching and learning must go beyond the four walls of the classroom. Twenty first century education must integrate all effective approaches and strategies to learning with the end view of providing the learner the needed tools to become productive global citizens. To this end, hybrid education will include both synchronous and asynchronous methodologies, that is, both face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student and the use of the information highway that offers endless options using search engines on the web like wikipedia and various Web 2.0 platforms (can be downloaded) as software)available like WordPress, Dropbox and MyDrive.

Edd Banzon (talk)13:28, 18 September 2014

Teaching and learning must go beyond the four walls of the classroom. Twenty first century education must integrate all effective approaches and strategies to learning with the end view of providing the learner the needed tools to become productive global citizens. To this end, hybrid education will include both synchronous and asynchronous methodologies, that is, both face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the student and the use of the information highway that offers endless options using search engines on the web like wikipedia and various Web 2.0 platforms (can be downloaded) as software)available like WordPress, Dropbox and MyDrive.

Edd Banzon (talk)13:28, 18 September 2014

I suggest we should be using the web 2.0 as we are advancing towards the Computer world. PNG Unitech as the Technological University in the South Pacific and the only Technological University in the country we should be using web 2.0. However every development come with packages which one cannot deny that fact.

The good side of it is that; 1. Technology is improving 2. Be part of the international Community 3. Saves time and cost effective 4. Paper less

The Bad side of it is that:

1. Makes students lazy 2. Weakens students minds 3. Loss of business opportunity 4. Hacking of personal documents

This is what I think.

Wale Budda Molumi (talk)13:29, 18 September 2014

Hooray, M in the discussion group

Awakana (talk)13:29, 18 September 2014

The first think we should do is make sure that all people/staff members to be involved in discussions, are invited and have access to the portal available to enter the different points of view. Otherwise there may be points of view not considered. So, should somehow make everybody take training on the use of this software tool.

Rsoto (talk)13:29, 18 September 2014

Hi Decka,

Web 2.0 is a very useful tool for teaching and learning, it only requires consistent use to master the technology. I would recommend this to every staff in Unitech specially for the academics.

The disadvantage that I see is the internet connections of the University. We need to make sure the reliability of the network, otherwise the services of Web 2.0 tools will not be as effective as is expected.

Thank you for the training.

Mbetasolo (talk)14:10, 18 September 2014

Malawi After 50 Years...Let's List down our Successes

A thread, Thread:Talk:Main Page/Malawi After 50 Years...Let's List down our Successes, was moved from here to Talk:Malawi. This move was made by JimTittsler (Talk | contribs) on 3 September 2014 at 09:09.

Web 2.0 for development

we learned that web 2.0 uses social media tools like; blogs, wikis, tags, feeds and mash-ups to share information globally while sitting at the comfort of our homes.


1. Income generation 2. Wider outreach 3. Up-to-date information


1. Copyright issues 2. There is no privacy 3. Quality of data is not assured

Setlankie (talk)20:51, 10 June 2014

Library use in government ministries

What are the strategies to make leaners come to the library

Subscribe to journals Buy magazines

Nkhangwenimahwa (talk)20:27, 19 April 2011

Practice Page - Web 2.0

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 21:08, 10 June 2014

I have learnt that Web 2.0 makes it very easy to manage and share information with your colleagues. I have also learnt various ways of finding information on internet with very little hassle. We also learnt how other countries are using the Web 2.0 to improve information sharing and improve agricultural productivity.

Web 2.0 is very applicable to our situation especially that we have a good good internet infrastructure.


1. Income generation 2. wider outreach 3. up-to-date information


1. Copyright issues 2. there is no privacy 3. quality of information is not assured

Ndjoraa (talk)20:55, 10 June 2014


1. Training on ICT tools 2. Government funding

Dizzyha (talk)21:10, 10 June 2014

Classification scheme

Edited by author.
Last edit: 21:10, 10 June 2014

Arranges records of an organisation alpha numerical Vital records to be selected and stored somewhere where it is safe All RM officers to sign oath of secrecy. Records must be stored in a safe space,there must be a service counter,mobile aisle storage

Tjinono kapeko (talk)20:50, 10 June 2014

thanx, we did not know.

Setlankie (talk)20:58, 10 June 2014

Importance of school libraries

Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 18:52, 14 November 2012

What is the role or importance of the school library in learners achievements. It is very important for learners because school libraries is helping them to learn reading

Carmi (talk)19:48, 25 February 2011

Provide school libraries with computers

Provide libraries with aircons during summer

Tjinono kapeko (talk)21:06, 10 June 2014
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