Talk:Evaluation of eLearning for Effective Practice Guidebook/Class Projects/Katie and Lisa - project page

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Hello Katie and Lisa, You have conducted a very nice evaluation plan. You have specified that the audiences are: •BOT •Teachers involved in survey •Leadership team What does BOT stand for? Cheers, Dana

Hi Dana BOT is the Board of Trustees who run the school. They are made up of the principal, staff rep and parents who are voted in every three years.

Thanks katie


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Katie and Lisa015:23, 30 September 2010
Katie and Lisa015:23, 30 September 2010
Evaluation plan feedback011:20, 29 September 2010
Sustainability021:36, 23 September 2010

Katie and Lisa

HI Katie and Lisa

I am very interested in your project as it would seem that teachers are facing the same problems everywhere.  The push for involvement in elearning but little time to develop the skills required and it would appear that trial and error - the worst type of learning is what we are all undertaking.  Thank the Lord for this course that we are involved with otherwise we would have such a small awareness of what is possible.  Your questions related to time for staff development for elearning is so relevant and one that our own institute is trying to grapple with while still undertaking "business as usual" with greater numbers of students.  I will be interested in seeing the outcome of your evaluation package as it will be useful for any of us engaged in the educational sector.  Louise

Dkarem (talk)15:23, 30 September 2010

Katie and Lisa

HI Katie and Lisa

I am very interested in your project as it would seem that teachers are facing the same problems everywhere.  The push for involvement in elearning but little time to develop the skills required and it would appear that trial and error - the worst type of learning is what we are all undertaking.  Thank the Lord for this course that we are involved with otherwise we would have such a small awareness of what is possible.  Your questions related to time for staff development for elearning is so relevant and one that our own institute is trying to grapple with while still undertaking "business as usual" with greater numbers of students.  I will be interested in seeing the outcome of your evaluation package as it will be useful for any of us engaged in the educational sector.  Louise

Dkarem (talk)15:23, 30 September 2010

Evaluation plan feedback

Hello Katie and Lisa Your evaluation plan is looking very good and you are not far from completing it. You may not think so when you see my feedback, but there is only a bit of extra detail and re-arrangement needed. I have given you some 'serious' feedback about your survey questions - it will be necessary to have several survey questions under some of the sub-questions and none at all under the others as I think they are more appropriately answered by interview.

I would like to see some likert-type scales used so you can get some specific and focused quantitative data as well as qualitative responses to open questions. You have mismatched some of the survey and sub-questions as you will see in the feedback so either change the big picture questions/sub-questions or make the survey questions more relevant.

are you wanting to find out about how staff prefer to learn about elearning and also about what is actually available in the way of PD, and what motivates them to access it? Once you see my feedback you will know what I mean. --Bronwynh 23:20, 28 September 2010 (UTC)

Bronwynh (talk)11:20, 29 September 2010


Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 21:36, 23 September 2010

Hi Katie & Lisa - I think you have pick up on a really key point about "sustainability does not become an issue and the professional development for the future must meet the needs of a changing staff". It's quite common to do a big push at launch, roll out or implementation time and then find in a few of months (maybe a year or two) after you have had a few staff changes, that only about half of them know what to do. I think one of the keys to really making technology a sustainable change to work practices is to consider how you can embed the new practices in daily or regular work. And the other thing to consider is how will the new staff in a few months (or a year) be introduced & inducted into these regular work practices? It might be as simple as a one on one session with an existing user or bit more fancy with giving them a guided example to follow. Keep up the marathon phone sessions ... Cheers, Rach

Thanks Rachel - I agree totally with sustainability. Thinking my special project next year is creating a wiki that allows a range of forms to support what the teachers know, do and need to know. Our teachers server is full of ...  ;) Katie

Rachel humphrey (talk)19:22, 22 September 2010