Talk:Breastfeeding Education Module

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Maternity Clinical010:39, 28 April 2011
Maternity Clinical015:33, 27 April 2011

Maternity Clinical

I thought that this Module was very informative. It helped me learn in more detail about the process and benefits of breastfeeding. Specifically, I learned about the different types of breast milk that the mother produces. I learned the first to come is colostrum, which is extremely rich in antibodies. I learned about the foremilk, which is mostly water and the hindmilk, which provides most of the nutrients for the baby. This module also informed me of the benefits that breastfeeding provides for the mother and the baby. A huge benefit that was discussed was the skin to skin contact and bonding experience that the mother and baby experience. This provides psychological and developmental benefits for the baby and the mother. Also I learned that breastfeeding helps mothers to lose weight faster, and can be used as a birth control method. This module provided statistics on the benefits of breastfeeding as well, such as increased cognitive development and increased intelligence. This helped me realize that I need to really encourage breastfeeding to my patients and present the benefits to them.

Boarder2410 (talk)10:39, 28 April 2011

Maternity Clinical

This education module was very informative and detailed on all of the health benefits of breastfeeding. I learned that there are many psychosocial and physical benefits to both the baby and mother. The most intersting fact that I learned about the psychosocial benefits is that the mother is less likely to have anxiety and depression if she breastfeeds. I would have to agree with this because i believe that the time spent with the child is so crucial to the feeling of accomplishment for the mother. However, I would like to see more education done on how to include fathers in this process because it is something that is missed out on by them. They may feel like they are not a part of the process and also feel like that bonding time is not available to them. In all, this module provided essential information for the breastfeeding process and was vital in showing all of the important factors that are impacted from breastfeeding for the baby and mother.

Cecole (talk)15:33, 27 April 2011