Talk:Beans in a Bag

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Final edits016:27, 1 April 2009
Changes needed007:04, 12 February 2009
Fantastic!013:19, 25 January 2009

Final edits

OK folks, there are some changes that can be made to improve this. These include finishing the two missing sections and these tips that follow:


Formatting links[edit]

There are a few ways to create links to external web sites in the wiki.

Descriptive option for use in text[edit]

The best type of link for most situations includes a description of the linked site. This description appears as the title of the link e.g. Useful Web Site. To create a link like this just type a link and the description, separated by a space and enclosed in single square brackets: [ Useful Web Site]. This will create a link to the Useful Web Site that appears like this: Useful Web Site and should be used in conjunction with the full citation in literature cited.

Footnote format[edit]

Enclosing the link in single square brackets without providing a description: [] ...will display the link as a number in brackets, like this: [1]. This format looks like a footnote and it should be used in conjunction with numbered full citations in literature cited.

For your citations section[edit]

Type in the full URL for the link: The wiki treats this text as a link like this: and will display full web address. Use this format in your citations section so that users can work from a printout if needs be; avoid using this format in the main text of your lesson. This material adapted from here Once changes have been made, you should delete the text ''{{Links}}''from your page.


Formatting citations[edit]

80px-Wikineighbour V2.png

To insure that a reader can reliably track down the specific book or article you intended, it is useful to provide the following information:

  • Author(s) (last name followed by first initials; secondary authors: initials followed by last name); year; Book title or article title; publisher (for books) or Periodical title (for articles); volume and page numbers (both for articles)

Formatted examples:

  • Brown, M.W. and C. Hurd. 1947. Goodnight Moon. Harper.
  • Bentley, W.A. 1905. Studies of raindrops and raindrop phenomena. Monthly weather review. 32. 450

Once changes have been made, delete the following text: {{citations}}


Using Galleries[edit]

I notice that you have several images on your page. It may be useful to organize them in a gallery. The format is quite simple:

The following captioned gallery was added to this page using this syntax:

<gallery caption="Data set 1;Valentine's Day snow storm 2007, South Burlington Vermont">
Image:315Small Snow.jpg|Figure 1. Snow accumulation at 3:15 during a snowstorm on Feb 14 2007 in South Burlington Vermont USA; click to view closer
Image:345 smallSnow.jpg|Figure 2. Snow accumulation at 3:45; click to view closer.
Image:415 smallSnow.jpg|Figure 3. Snow accumulation at 4:15; click to view closer.

Once changes have been made, you should delete the text ''{{Gallery}}''from your page.

Dmccabe (talk)16:27, 1 April 2009

Changes needed

student worthiness[edit]

Can you call it tested yet? Are you happy with the results?

Area covered[edit]

Let's tuck in seedling morphology, germination, experimental science. Remember that although you are testing temperature etc, this system could be used to test a wide range of parameters you may not have considered. So drop in a suggestion that other factors could be tested.


fertilizer: add a note encouraging folks to follow the directions on the package.

Handout looks good[edit]

description of activity[edit]

  • add a mention of measurement.
  • Give all of your photographs a numbered caption:Figure 1. Examples of beans germinating in a bag You can then refer to them by number in the text (Fig 1)

lesson plan[edit]

  • Paragraph 2. grammar check
  • first bullet point Miracle grow for example.....add importance of labeling
  • third bullet: grammar
  • bullets 4 & 6 spelling


list full citations of books you have in mind


Formatting citations[edit]

80px-Wikineighbour V2.png

To insure that a reader can reliably track down the specific book or article you intended, it is useful to provide the following information:

  • Author(s) (last name followed by first initials; secondary authors: initials followed by last name); year; Book title or article title; publisher (for books) or Periodical title (for articles); volume and page numbers (both for articles)

Formatted examples:

  • Brown, M.W. and C. Hurd. 1947. Goodnight Moon. Harper.
  • Bentley, W.A. 1905. Studies of raindrops and raindrop phenomena. Monthly weather review. 32. 450

Once changes have been made, delete the following text: {{citations}}


looking very good

Dmccabe (talk)14:32, 3 February 2009


This is great! Keep up the good work. We'll photograph your setup in lab and upload the photos here. Congrats on your efforts!Dmccabe 00:19, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

Dmccabe (talk)13:19, 25 January 2009