Sustainable Tourism Practices/Implementing sustainable practices
Implementing Sustainable Practices
Sustainable Practices
How do businesses use sustainable practices? In New Zealand three tourism organisations - Tourism New Zealand, Tourism Industry Association (TIA - tourism stakeholders) and Qualmark are working towards creating a sustainable tourism industry.
"Being a responsible business means having a balanced approach to economic, environmental and social priorities. How do we apply this to sustainable business practice?
Understanding the effect of business practices on the wider community and natural environment, creating sustainable practice and applying a team approach are part of Qualmark's Responsible Tourism initiative:
- Energy efficiency
- Waste management
- Water conservation
- Conservation
- Community
" In a business sense, the key messages of sustainability actually tie in with what are generally considered to be 'sound' business practices, such as building efficiency, minimising waste and maximising resources. It is not a fad and is essential for businesses to adopt in order to be successful in the emerging markets.Proven benefits - Businesses that have adopted sustainable business practices have reported the following benefits:
- Reduction in operating costs
- Improved identification and management of risks
- Created value through enhance and positive customer response
- Increased ability to attract and retain employees
- Increased learning and innovation
- Reduced Government intervention
On successful completion of this section, you will be able to:
- - Ministry for the Environment
- -Community Education Action
- - Landcare Research
- - Ministry of Tourism
- - Also Sustainable Wanaka for building advice
Casestudies Activity
Identify and analyse existing practices of sustainability within the tourism industry
In teams of three and using the organisation allocated to you (from the supporting resources) complete the following task:
1. Create a slideshare presentation - to do this you must first create a slideshare account by signing up
2. Now in less than 10 slides create a slideshow which clearly; introduces the organisation, explains its operation and describes how it operates sustainably
3. You now need to upload the slideshow onto slideshare - making sure you have your names on it and that you save it for public and not private viewing
4. Now post it onto the blog before next week
Supporting Resources