Students - Lesson Four
WALT (We Are Learning To):
1. Use the correct verbs while talking about shopping.
2. To use the verbs they have learnt in simple present tense sentences.
3. Monitor our own progress in this unit by recording reflections and evaluations in an on-going journal.
Success Criteria
We know we will have achieved this when:
1. We can describe actions in shopping using two different sentences.
2. We can pronounce two different sentences using verbs in present tense.
3. We have recorded reflective journal entries and scores in our journal as indicated during each lesson. Your teacher will show you how to put this into your Learning Journal.
Vocabulary and Sentence Structures The following are the vocabulary and sentence structures used in this lesson: | Your teacher will give you a copy of this to put into your Learning Journal.
Extension Activity: word match game
Activity One
Task ii
Shopping actions video
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Activity Three
Task i
Comic Action Creation:
Write or make your own sentences with at least six new verbs that you have learnt in this lesson.
Task ii
Word and Picture Match:
Word and Picture Match Glue the finished tasks from above into your Learning Journal.
Your teacher will show you how to assess other students work: When someone has marked your Rubric glue it into your Learning Journal.