Social networking MU grB/Questionaire
Part A: General Information
1. Your Gender
Female | .... |
Male | .... |
2. Your Class
Primary (Std 1 - 6) | ...... |
Lower Secondary (Form I - III) | ...... |
Upper Secondary (Form IV - VI) | ...... |
Tertiary | ...... |
3. Your region
Urban | .... |
Rural | .... |
Part B: Frequency of Use and Social Networking Websites
4. Average hours of active internet use per day( please enter a number)_________
5. Do you have your profile on any of the following social networking sites(you may tick more than one)
.... | |
Youtube | .... |
.... | |
Bebo | .... |
Friendster | .... | | .... |
MySpace | .... |
Flickr | .... |
Other | .... |
None | .... |
If your answer isNone then go to question 6 or else go to question 7
6. If you are not participating with any social networking sites, what is the main reason?
Please mark X alongside any listed item or items which you feel fit your situation |
X |
Do not have time. | |
Do not have internet at home. | |
Not interested. | |
Do not have computer facilities. | |
Against my religion. | |
Other (please specify). |
If you answered question 6 then you can stop here, thank you for your time.
7. How many “Friends” you have already added on your profile (an average if you have several)
Less than 10 | .... |
between 10 and 20 | .... |
between 20 and 30 | .... |
between 30 and 40 | .... |
More than 40 | .... |
8. How often do you usually log on to your favorite SN websites?
Constantly log in | .... |
Several times a day | .... |
Once a day | .... |
Occassionally | .... |
9. How much time (on average) do you spend on your favorite SN sites per session?
Less than 5 minutes | .... |
between 5 to 10 | .... |
between 10 to 30 | .... |
More than 30 minutes | .... |
Part C: The purpose of Social Networking Sites
10. Please rate the following Social networking site features on a scale of 1 to 5, ranging from completely irrelevant to very relevant:
Completely irrelevant (1) | .....(2)..... | .....(3)..... | .....(4)..... | Very relevant (5) | |
My friends are there | |||||
Find Information | |||||
Entertain myself | |||||
Get others opinion | |||||
Socialise | |||||
Comment on others | |||||
Stay up to date with friends' life | |||||
Share your experiences, photos and videos | |||||
Make friends | |||||
Find relationships | |||||
To study and learn in groups | |||||
Virtual interaction | |||||
Join groups of similar interests | |||||
Creating cool profiles |
12. Are you aware of the dangers associated with social networking sites
13. If yes where does your awareness originate
My parents told me | .... |
My teachers told me | .... |
My friends told me | .... |
I read from the internet | .... |
I read from books, magazine, newspaper.. | .... |
Others (please state) | .... |
14. Can you briefly state the main benefit you gain from being part of a social network?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Thank you very much for your kindness and time.