Social networking MU grB/Questionaire

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This questionnaire is part of a research for an article related to Social networking among Mauritian students. The results of the survey will be used for academic purposes only. The survey is anonymous and does not require any personal details to be submitted. The team greatly appreciates your help and support and thanks you for your valuable contribution.

Part A: General Information

1. Your Gender

Female ....
Male ....

2. Your Class

Primary (Std 1 - 6) ......
Lower Secondary (Form I - III) ......
Upper Secondary (Form IV - VI) ......
Tertiary ......

3. Your region

Urban ....
Rural ....

Part B: Frequency of Use and Social Networking Websites

4. Average hours of active internet use per day( please enter a number)_________

5. Do you have your profile on any of the following social networking sites(you may tick more than one)

Facebook ....
Youtube ....
Twitter ....
Bebo ....
Friendster .... ....
MySpace ....
Flickr ....
Other ....
None ....

If your answer isNone then go to question 6 or else go to question 7

6. If you are not participating with any social networking sites, what is the main reason?

Please mark X alongside any listed item or items which you feel fit your situation
Do not have time.
Do not have internet at home.
Not interested.
Do not have computer facilities.
Against my religion.
Other (please specify).

If you answered question 6 then you can stop here, thank you for your time.

7. How many “Friends” you have already added on your profile (an average if you have several)

Less than 10 ....
between 10 and 20 ....
between 20 and 30 ....
between 30 and 40 ....
More than 40 ....

8. How often do you usually log on to your favorite SN websites?

Constantly log in ....
Several times a day ....
Once a day ....
Occassionally ....

9. How much time (on average) do you spend on your favorite SN sites per session?

Less than 5 minutes ....
between 5 to 10 ....
between 10 to 30 ....
More than 30 minutes ....

Part C: The purpose of Social Networking Sites

10. Please rate the following Social networking site features on a scale of 1 to 5, ranging from completely irrelevant to very relevant:

Completely irrelevant (1) .....(2)..... .....(3)..... .....(4)..... Very relevant (5)
My friends are there
Find Information
Entertain myself
Get others opinion
Comment on others
Stay up to date with friends' life
Share your experiences, photos and videos
Make friends
Find relationships
To study and learn in groups
Virtual interaction
Join groups of similar interests
Creating cool profiles

12. Are you aware of the dangers associated with social networking sites


13. If yes where does your awareness originate

My parents told me ....
My teachers told me ....
My friends told me ....
I read from the internet ....
I read from books, magazine, newspaper.. ....
Others (please state) ....

14. Can you briefly state the main benefit you gain from being part of a social network?

Thank you very much for your kindness and time.