DECP 05: Developing e-Content
Save time and money – making resources available online can save time and money in photocopying Control access to different areas – can make a space for dispersed tutors to communicate with each other as well as students. .
Use less paper – keep a central copy online so everyone can find the latest version of a course handbook etc. Provide handouts online and students only print out what they really need.
Designed to encourage collaborative learning – Moodle makes it easy to model the oxford tutorial system online if you want to use it with globally distributed students.
Easy to experiment with new ideas and tools – a low risk way to incorporate new tools and ideas into your teaching.
Manage your materials – if all your course information is on Moodle this is easy access this year after year.
Features and tools:
Course calendar – use this to flag important events to everyone on your course.
Profiles and contact information – help students and staff get to know each other at the start of the course, also hold information about course team and students in one place.
Deliver content – post up slides etc
Video and audio – many academics find it easy to record lectures as podcasts or even arrange for videos of lectures or special
events– posting these online and making it available to students is straight forward with Moodle
Group tools for students – there are many tools that students can use for collaboration with each other e.g. forums, wiki and chat
Hardware & software requirements
System having LINUX, APACHE server, MySQL, PHP Extensions configured (LAMP). But as most of the personal computers will not be having LINUX running, instead having windows operating systems at their home PC's, so in that case they can install APACHE, MySQL and PHP extensions on Windows system.
To Install LINUX, APACHE server, MySQL, PHP Extensions, you can download them separately or alternatively, you can install Moodle’s Windows Installer which automatically installs all the required services like apache services, MySQL & PHP extensions simultaneously.
TIP: There is one more tool available in the market which can give you the freedom of installing Apache Server, MySQL and PHP services with extensions which can be used for installing any other CMS/LMS of your choice. That tool is known as “WAMP Server”. Install WAMP server to get these services with single installer.
To download WAMP you can Visit : 2000 or Higher, Pentium IV - 1.6 GHZ Processor or higher with 512 MB of RAM (recommended 1 GB) and 3 GB free disk space.
Basic requirements for installing WAMP