DECP 05: Developing e-Content
e-Learning Standards
To facilitate the widespread adoption of the learning objects approach, the LTSC of the IEEE was formed in 1996 to develop and promote instructional technology standards.
Desired features of learning content i.e. interoperable, reusable, discovered and properly attributed characterize e-Learning and hence cannot be achieved without standardization. The most useful standards are Sharable Content Object Reference Model and Instructional Management System which work with standard bodies such as; Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC), and IEEE to integrate their specifications into a cohesive, usable, holistic model, and define key interrelationships between the standards.
The IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) draft standard for Learning Object Metadata (IEEE LTSC, 2000) specifies a variety of bibliographic and technical properties of LOs, as well as different relationships between LOs, and makes exchange, reuse, and search of LOs based on these metadata possible.
It is a well known fact that explosion of technologies were due to the wide spread adoption of common standards. Standards impose certain order providing more uniform and precise access and manipulation to e-Learning resources and data. All contents that conform to an e-Learning standard will run equally well on all LMSs that conform to the same standard. Today’s e-learning market favors SCORM standards.