DECP 03: e-Learning Application Development
Software Requirements
Java Development Kit (JDK)
Your computer needs to run Java 6 or higher (also known as Java 1.6). You can download Java from . Test your Java configuration by performing both of the following tests:
- Visit the Java test page . You should see a message that Java is working and that the version is Java 1.6+.
- Run the AppInventor Java test by clicking on this link . This will check that your browser is properly configured to run Java, and that your computer can launch applications with Java Web Start.
App Inventor will not work on your computer if these tests do not succeed. Don't go on to try to use App Inventor until you've dealt with the issue.
Install the App Inventor Setup Software
Before you can use App Inventor, you need to install some software on your computer. The software you need is provided in a package called App Inventor Setup . Follow the instructions for your operating system to do the installation, and then go on to build the demo app (Hello Purr) with the phone or with the emulator.
Instruction for Windows
Installing the App Inventor Setup for Windows has two parts:
- Installing the App Inventor Setup software package. This step is the same for all Android devices, and the same for Windows XP, Vista, and 7.
- Installing the Windows drivers for your Android phone.