OneChange/RFPs/Website Redesign
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Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. | ![]() |
Website Redesign (Phase II)
OneChange ( requires the redesign of its current website, and integration of other websites. It requires the services of a firm to assist in refreshing its Web presence to reflect the following:
- revised market position
- updated corporate look and feel
- updated service offerings and new content
- Web best practices for client-centred design, look and feel, browser/system compatibility, navigation, etc.
- best practices for finding Web site in search engines
- ability to monitor and track performance of the site
- current Web technologies and best practices
- bility for site to be scalable to meet future requirements.
- OneChange’s need to be able to maintain the content, look and feel and structure of the site
Of utmost importance to OneChangeis a website that balances the grassroots legacy of the organization, and its approachability, that reflects its grassroots history and legacy, while reflecting a professionalism to its increasing roster of blue chip client relationships. The redesigned Web site needs to reflect Web best practices and offer a scalable technology environment to grow into the future.
Approach & Timeline
OneChange’s Web Site Redesign Working Group will be the primary interface with the selected firm and will assist in the internal management of the project. It is expected that the firm will interface with the Working Group in the form of written status reports and in person meetings on an as-required basis. It is expected that the firm obtain approvals for each deliverable and that iterations will be available during the review phase.
A consultative approach to redesign is of utmost important to OneChange. OneChange’s staff needs to be consulted in the design and development of the following items during the project:
- positioning statement/tag line inputs and validation;
- site personality, style, look and feel inputs and validation;
- web site structure/information architecture inputs and validation; and,
- content direction inputs and validation.
It is expected that the firm will propose a consultation plan that allows for a proper level of consultation for input and validation and that balances the busy schedules of the team members and the time/budget constraints of the project. The selected firm is expected to conduct the first consultation with team members on Monday, February 25 between 4 and 7pm. The firm will be expected to have reviewed past inputs from team members and inputs from the Web Working Group prior to this date.
Our Requirements
OneChange has conducted a comprehensive consultation process with its stakeholders to determine its needs. The selected firm is expected to work from this analysis as a basis for the OneChange website redesign and the development of its proposed approach.
OneChange will provide an Executive Summary of the findings (see Appendix). The winning bidder will receive the full data and report.
(: Will a draft document be offered in the Appendix, outlining some information?)
Our requirements include:
- integrating existing OneChange websites (i.e.,; into the redesigned website'
- ensuring a connection to OneChange's legacy / history of grassroots activism and social marketing (i.e., "simple actions matter"; "neighbour to neighbour" connections;
- ensuring a professional 'look and feel' for the website
- OC Foundation
- Social Network
- Roles & Permissions
Our Expectations
- the redesign project planning and management activities will occur primarily in English;
- the selected firm has bilingual capabilities to conduct content translation, redesign and development. The French portion of the site will represent about XX% of new content only;
- the selected firm will implement the mandatory requirements outlined above at a minimum;
- the technology infrastructure and site structure, 'look and feel',features and functionality will be adaptable to meet the requirements;
- OneChange will be able to easily maintain the content, site structure and look & feel of the redesigned website;
- the selected firm will host the new website in a secure facility following best practices for performance and availability
Proposal Structure
Your proposal must include the following information:
1. Experience
- Experience working with professional services firms and long term relationships developed with them
- Experience working on projects where the firm managed all elements of site design requested by OneChange and description of partnering/joint ventures to fulfill requirements
- Number of years of related experience in the following areas: web marketing, positioning statements, style/tone definition, web site prototyping, content writing, design, development, testing, launch, site hosting
- Descriptions of 3 similar projects that demonstrate creative/pragmatic balance to web site redesign and how the web site gave the client a unique look/feel and competitive advantage; provide references (client name, contact information, project cost, project start/end dates)
- Description of bilingual capability
2. Your Approach to the Website Redesign
- Overall approach to the project, including interactions with OneChange Web Working Group/Governance, consultations with OneChange team members
- Approach to long term partnership/relationship development
- Project reporting and communications, planning, documentation, transfer, training of OneChange resources for site maintenance
- Project Plan, including tasks, timeline, use of OneChange/your resources
- Definition of functionality included, mandatory requirements, Web best practices used (eg naming conventions, web browser compatibility, metadata, use of text/graphics, use of plugins/flash, etc.), technology platform proposed for redesign
- Approach to search engine options, optimization and page edits; approach to metrics/performance (please describe and cost this item separately)
3. Team and Resources
- Names of team members and roles
- Capability of firm to conduct all activities for redesign, use of subcontractors, joint ventures
- Approach to building relationship with OneChange
- Physical proximity to OneChange location
4. Technology Used
- How the proposed technology environment is scalable and allows for future growth and desirable/mandatory requirements outlined in Phase 2/3
- Ability for OneChange to easily maintain the site content, look and feel and structure
- Use of industry best practices
5. Client References (3)
- Three (3) client references we can contact. Please include Project Description & Results; Organization Name; Project Supervisor/Contact Person; Telephone (with area code); Time Zone & Location; and Your Contact / Project Supervisor's email contact information
6. Budget
- The budget proposed by the Bidder should reflect the scope outlined in this document
- Time and cost to complete work, including upfront and ongoing maintenance fees as required to meet the mandatory requirements of Phase 2; please describe additional features/functionality not identified in the mandatory requirements that you can offer
- Number of iterations provided in budget
- List of assumptions
- Separate cost for:
- development of search engine optimization strategy, search engine registration and page edits as required based on the approach described above
- site hosting
- Desirable items as listed in Appendix
The selected firm will complete the following deliverables related to the website redesign. Bidding firms must describe how they will achieve the deliverables in their approach. OneChange will review and approve the project plan and deliverables. OneChange will be responsible for the provision of editiorial content, keywords and metadata and translation.
- develop and regularly update of project plan, including timing, budget, resource allocation;
- manage and monitor project to completion of Phase 2, including quality assurance
- define and create look/feel, site personality, style/tone
- develop a design document that includes:
- look and feel options, site navigation
- site features and functionality
- technology environment
- site information architecture
- social networking options
- best practices used
- site map in English and French
- metadata and searching
- develop options for search engine optimization and web metrics/performance, (costed separately)
- testing and quality assurance
- launch
- site hosting in a secure facility following best practices for performance and availability
- register with search engines
- training support for OneChange staff regarding site structure, and 'look and feel'
- provide ongoing technical maintenance, as required
The budget for completing these requirements, including site hosting, is TBD.
This excludes the tasks related to the search engine optimization/registration, the web metrics software configuration/installation and the defined desirable items. Firms are asked to provide a budget for the website redesign based on the requirements outlined in this document, along with a separate cost for:
- search engine optimization/registration
- other desirable items.
Proposal Evaluation
Proposals will be evaluated on the above criteria, along with its overall quality. OneChange reserves the right to interview firms to discuss their approach and experience, and to request a demo of software proposed by the bidder to determine ease of use for ongoing maintenance purposes.
Please provide a contact name and coordinates for questions related to your bid.
Questions can be directly by email to XXXX and must be sent no later than January 15, 2009.
Proposal Submissions
Interested candidates should submit a detailed proposal including a CV, report sample/s, along with a letter explaining your qualifications and interest, not later than 5:00pm on XX, 2010, to the Director of Communications.
- Desirable Items
- Executive Summary of Consultation Findings