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Welcome to the Organization Management and Development Page

Featuring Useful OD Resources, Readings & Strategies

Three things to address in this final week (and remember, the due date is not Sunday, but Friday, the official end of the course).

  1. E-mail to me (bhudson AT fielding DOT edu) your self-evaluation
  2. Post your synopsis at the forum topic named “Synopsis” (and attach it as a doc)
  3. Post your meta-learning piece at that topic named “Meta-Learning.”

More specifically:


It’s probably best to provide a brief verbal self-evaluation on each of the criteria provided below, followed by a letter grade on each criterion, in the format A, B, C (with plus or minuses, if you like). Also, provide an overall grade.

Some suggested self-evaluation criteria (roughly in order of importance, I’d say):

Final product well written, well-supported, and original. Clear, manageable focus,

Constructive feedback to others (not just atta-boys but constructive criticism)

  • more grounded & centered
  • able to offer valuable perspective

Timely postings

  • yes. right on time this semester.

Substantive depth in your postings (critical thinking balanced with conciseness)

  • yes.

Your own criteria, reflecting your own course objectives=

    • Rest & Reflection...incredibly valuable.
    • also, oddly enough, because I took the Theory helped me to integrate the basics...
      • so R&R, but not total R&R

Application of Theory, exploration of divergence (i.e., where theory does NOT apply.

(See Hippee-Era Motivational Theory Meets the Digital Age

    • Use of KT and self-organization theories to explain what's happening....
  • everything is connected, Lewin, Valentine's freezing, etc.

Final Version of Synopsis

Please post this at the topic named “Synopsis,” (and also attach it as a document). The format is shown in Fieldkit #72


  • This may provide the most important learning experience of all. It has to do with thinking about the research just completed as a PROCESS.

This experience was very challenging and empowering: in the process, I have developed a new relationship with self; a new ease with discomfort and ambiguity; and a confidence that if I do the research, then the analysis and 'answers' will come naturally. Moreover, the 'answers' are not really answers, but an indication of my own process and progress: these will change over time, as I grow professionally and personally and sharpen my focus on the field of inquiry.

  • What advice would you give to the next cohort (a) while doing the project, and (b) the week before the jazz sessions?

My advice is to ask directly for feedback on specific sections of the paper, as well as the overall organization - just to make sure you're on the right track. Frequent feedback is invaluable to producing a quality product, and keeping your sanity. For the week before the jazz sessions, prepare an outline and populated it according to the information and research that you have. At the jazz session, get feedback on the outline and the information.

  • In other words, post what you think you have learned about learning in this course. Useful advice is often best if it’s concise and practical, not a rambling stream of consciousness. I keep beating the drum about “meta-learning” (Fieldkit#05 in OMD Hall). A good part of “learning how to learn” is reflecting on what the process was about — what worked, or what to avoid.

I learned more about my own learning style, the discipline of doing things step-by-step, and performing under pressure. I have a preference for greater telephone and in-person contact and feedback, especially when there's a lot of ambiguity, uncertainty and a deadline. It's really important to have a companion, partner or spouse who will listen to you, and provide perspective, support and few demands -- especially while writing the final work. I have yet to reach a point where discomfort is comforting, but it is familiar, and not as terrible as it appeared in the first term.

  • Ultimately this extends to life management and self-discovery — when is pain bad and when does it have a useful function?
  • How to feel okay about discomfort? (Some people think the essence of yoga is riding that edge, in order to heal rather than pushing ahead to the point of self-injury).
  • What makes a difficult task manageable — hence a motivating challenge rather than a bummer?
  • How do you find your own voice — trusting your own experience — instead of just quoting others?
  • How to take constructive risks?

Besides, the most valuable thing you take away from the masters project is just this product, but the skills of researching, writing, collaborating, and focusing, and designing tasks to be manageable.

  • I learned how to manage my time more effectively, and work in a smarter, more orderly way. I learned more about the discipline of research and writing, and integrating theory and practice, in a way that makes me a better scholar and practitioner.