OERu/Planning/OERu Management Committee/15.07 Meeting of the OERu Management Committee

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When: 30 July 2015, 11:00AM NZST (Click on link for local time.)
Where: Google Hangouts on Air (Broadcast link for viewers)
Convener link: Conveners should log in to their Google email 5 minutes before start time. The chair will send an invitation via Google email to join the meeting as participants for the broadcast.
Backchannel #OERu feed. Post using WENotes or Twitter


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Purpose of the meeting
    • Confirm aims and objectives of the working groups
    • Review 2015 KPI allocations and relevant refinements
    • Confirm target outputs of individual working groups for the October OERu partners meeting
  3. Matters arising
  4. Reports of the working groups
    1. Strategic planning (Minutes of the 4th meeting)
    2. Curriculum and programme of study (Minutes of the 2nd meeting)
    3. Partner engagement (groups.oeru.org discussion)
    4. Standing committee for credit transfer (Minutes of the 1st Meeting)
    5. Course approval and quality (Minutes of the 4th Meeting)
    6. Technology (Minutes of the 21st meeting)
  5. Strategies for meetings across multiple time zones
  6. 2015 KPI allocations and refinements
  7. 2015 Input evaluation - Feedback needed by 31 July 2015
  8. Regional meetings for Open business models
  9. Update: groups.oeru.org (email lists for working groups)
  10. Update: community.oeru.org (OERu discourse community site)
  11. Action calendar and next meeting

Minutes and decisions

5th OERu Management Committee Meeting
  1. Attendance: Jim Taylor, Irwin DeVries, Brian Lamb, Dave Lane, David Bull (viewer), Marc Singer, Wayne Mackintosh. Apology: Sarah Lambert.
  2. [0:50] Welcome and introduction
    • Demonstrated how to navigate to the meeting agenda from the WikiEducator homepage noting that the home pages for each of the working groups can be accessed from the Quicklinks page or the main OERu planning portal in the wiki.
  3. [3:10] Confirmed aims of the meeting
  4. [4:04] Matters arising (refer to item 2 of the agenda above).
  5. Reports from the working groups
    • Strategic planning (Jim Tayor - (See minutes of the 4th SPWG meeting)
      1. [7:16] Reviewed consolidated course development schedule and expressed concern over slow rate of course development
      2. Resolved that partners be requested to update the course development schedule.
      3. Noted inconsistencies between anticipated delivery dates stated in the development schedule in the wiki and the public site.
      4. Agreed that OERu Management Committee members should update the Action calendar with meetings and key milestones to ensure that activities leading to the October partner meeting are coordinated.
      5. Resolved to add an "available now" option in the submission form of the Course development schedule
      6. Agreed to establish a separate Academic calender (i.e. a course delivery schedule).
      7. Discussed suggestions for refining the generic course schedule for different purposes, eg courses available now, planned delivery schedule etc.
      8. Noted that adapting existing full courses, eg. Saylor is a viable option for improving rate of course production and affirmed that considerable work is needed to assemble a course from a variety of resources to ensure a consistent semantic markup for producing a high quality course site.
    • [24:55] Curriculum and programme of study (See minutes of the 2nd meeting)
      1. Noted the primary focus of expediting product development for a coherent programme of study.
      2. Noted that the curriculum group will prioritise the development of a framework and programme document for the 1st year of study which will lead to one or more exit credentials. The programme document will be tabled at the October 2015 meetings.
      3. Acknowledged the preliminary work done to date on scoping an idealised 1st year of general education studies.
    • [27:36] Partner engagement - Irwin DeVries
      1. Noted that the group has not convened a formal meeting due to vacation in the Northern hemisphere but that there has been valuable discussion on the groups.oeru.org site.
      2. Acknowledged that KPI metrics reflected in the plan for numbers of group participants are not meaningful in the absence of local groups forming at individual partner institutions around the OERu agenda.
      3. Agreed to progress the development of resources to support induction of new partner members taking into account the needs of different roles and target audiences.
      4. Noted the value of live synchronous sessions to introduce new members to the OERu family.
      5. Recognised the need to progress solutions for supporting new partners through mentorship.
      6. Noted that Portage College has expressed interest to help trial the induction model pilot.
      7. Referenced the open maturity model index as a useful framework to understand the development and corresponding needs of the OERu cooperation.
    • [34:55] Standing committee for credit transfer - Marc Singer (See minutes of the 1st Meeting)
      1. Noted that this is a newly constituted group
      2. Reported that the working group reviewed the draft OERu credit transfer and course articulation guidelines and noted that these were well received by members of the group.
      3. Acknowledged the national differences in how international credit can be transferred.
      4. Agreed to progress a more detailed review using a sample of OERu partners targeting "sign-off" of the guidelines meaning that the official responsible for credit transfer (eg Registrar) confirms that the guidelines can function within existing policies at the receiving institutions.
    • [40:37] Course approval and quality (See minutes of the 4th Meeting)
      1. Noted the minutes shared by Sarah Lambert who was unable to attend the meeting.
    • [41:40] Technology - Dave Lane (See minutes of the 21st meeting)
      1. Noted that Dave has joined as co-convener of the Technology working group
      2. Acknowledged the Platinum tier partners who are contributing to the shared technologist role specifically: the University of Highlands and Islands, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Otago Polytechnic, University of Southern Queensland and the OER Foundation.
      3. Reported on the successful installation of the community.oeru.org site noting the risks of spreading the community across too many technologies and the need for careful planning of the introduction of new technologies.
      4. Acknowledged the need for supporting partners in using the CMS for maintaining their own institutional and course pages on the main oeru.org site.
      5. Agreed to incorporate CMS support materials as part of the induction materials for the OERu CMS administrators.
      6. Reported on the need to develop solutions to communicate OERu pathways of study, assessing institutions, options for credit transfer and pricing of services on the main oeru.org site.
      7. Reported on the development to acknowledge key collaborators on the OERu site as a community building mechanism.
      8. Noted the need to revise the data structure of the main OERu.org site to accommodate courses which do not have a fixed start and completion date.
      9. Stressed the importance of maintaining the public face and credibility of OERu and the need to find effective ways to ensure that partners keep their organisation's information on the website current and up to date.
  6. [54:52] Strategies for scheduling meetings across multiple time zones
    • Alerted conveners to the growing challenges of scheduling meetings to accommodate partners residing across multiple time zones (noting that Europe and Africa which does not align with synchronous meetings scheduled in the Pacific time zone.)
    • Suggested the following options for conveners to consider depending how members of their own groups are spread across time zones:
      1. Schedule two meetings to coincide with each major time zone
      2. Consider nominating co-conveners in the respective time zone to facilitate alternate meetings.
      3. Alternate meetings between the Pacific and European time zones.
    • Noted the value of keeping transparent meeting notes in the wiki for colleagues who are unable to attend meetings due to time zone challenges.
  7. [58:57] 2015 KPI allocations and refinements
    • Illustrated the 2015 KPI allocation page and shared KPIs across working groups.
    • Acknowledged the need to incorporate a link to the overview of KPIs from the Quicklinks page in the wiki.
    • Agreed to explore better solutions drawing on elaboration theory in providing access to information about the OERu and its dynamic planning activities.
  8. [1:04:21] 2015 Input evaluation
    • Summarised the background relating to the decision from meeting of founding anchor partners to adopt the CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) evaluation model for guiding the implementation of the OERu and that the Australian Digital Futures Institute has been commissioned to assist with the Input evaluation.
    • Requested members of the OERuMC to provide feedback on the draft survey to finalise Version 3 of the survey to enable launch of the survey to collect responses by the end of August 2015.
  9. [1:08:27] Regional OERu meetings to design and develop OERu open business models to be tabled at the October meeting of the Council of CEOs
    • Noted that the Oceania Regional meeting will be hosted by the University of Southern Queensland on 27 August 2015.
    • Noted that BCcampus has agreed to host a North American Regional meeting.
  10. [1:11:51] Update: groups.oeru.org
    • Reported on progress with the implementation of the groups.oeru.org site as the main email list for individual working groups.
    • Noted feedback from conveners that the technology is working smoothly.
    • Reminded conveners that we are using a hosted instance and that the technology would be available for any partner who wanted to create a dedicated course development list.
  11. [1:16:20] Update: community.oeru.org (OERu discourse community site)
    • Reported on progress with the implementation of community.oeru.org as the main OERu community site
    • Summarised the community building features of the discourse software used for the community.oeru.org
    • Noted that OERF has documented our "installation recipe" which can be shared with partners who may be interested in installing their own instances
    • Invited members of the OERuMC to assist in populating the site with authentic posts and conversations in preparation of launching the site in the community.
    • Agreed that the community.oeru.org site should be "launched" before the October partner meetings.
  12. [1:28:26] Reviewed the OERuMC action calendar.

Action items

Outstanding items transferred from previous meetings

  1. Wayne to update the Quicklink to 2015 operational priorities once the July round of working group meetings has been completed.
  2. Post a call to the OERu partner network for a dedicated Administrative volunteer to provide CMS support to work in parallel with the current system of partner autonomy to update pages.
  3. Work with representative from Thomas Edison State College, who have a number of courses to list on the Website, and use this experience to develop a self-help resource for maintaining and updating pages on the OERu CMS.

Outstanding action items (current)

  1. Request OERu partners to update the course delivery schedule
  2. Commence development of a proposal for communicating pathways of study, assessing institutions, credit transfer options and pricing of services on the main OERu site for prospective learners.

Completed action items (current)

  1. Insert an "available now" option in the submission form of the Course development schedule Done --Mackiwg (talk) 05:16, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
  2. Initiate development of induction resources for new partners tailored for different roles and audiences. Commenced development --Mackiwg (talk) 05:17, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
  3. Progress development of the "key collaborators" feature on the OERu site. Initiated --Mackiwg (talk) 05:19, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
  4. Invite feedback to finalise the input evaluation survey for launch early in August 2015. Done - survey launched --Mackiwg (talk) 05:20, 5 September 2015 (UTC)
  5. Initiate activities to launch the community.oeru.org site by October 2015. Posted notifications on our lists. --Mackiwg (talk) 01:45, 6 September 2015 (UTC)
  6. Establish a CMS administrators group on groups.oeru.org to improve communication and support for this group. Established secret group and sent reminders to institutions without designated CMS representatives. --Mackiwg (talk) 01:47, 6 September 2015 (UTC)
  7. Plan and adopt an incremental approach for introducing discourse.org using OERuMC members as early prototype users. Done. --Mackiwg (talk) 01:47, 6 September 2015 (UTC)
  8. Implement technical solution to extract simplified tables, eg course delivery scheduled extracted from the main development schedule. Done. Jim Tittsler has coded a widget to hide columns.
  9. Initiate development of programme document for the OERu first year of study. Work commenced --Mackiwg (talk) 21:48, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
  10. Initiate a review of the OERu credit transfer and course articulation guidelines initially targeting sign off of the guidelines by 30% of the partners. Initiated by Credit transfer group --Mackiwg (talk) 21:48, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
  11. Revise the data structure of the main OERu.org site to accommodate courses which do not have a fixed start and completion date. Documented as issue on bitbucket. --Mackiwg (talk) 22:22, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
  12. Add agenda item for partners meeting to provide OERF with a mandate / authority to update and/or hide courses on the main oeru.org site where information is clearly out of date. Added as agenda item for partners meeting. --Mackiwg (talk) 22:19, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
  13. OERF technology team to consult with Jim Taylor about options to provide access to key components of the OERu planning documentation from the main oeru.org site. Done. Dave Lane met with Jim Taylor. --Mackiwg (talk) 22:15, 22 September 2015 (UTC)
  14. OERuMC members to populate the action calendar with relevant dates, activities and milestones relating to working group outputs in preparation for the October partners' meeting. Ongoing - current year's activities listed.