OERu/Oceania OERu 16.11 regional meeting
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List of confirmed participants
- Mike Keppell, Swinburne University of Technology (Apology)
- Wayne Mackintosh, OER Foundation
- Neil Martin, University of Southern Queensland
- Rory McGreal, Athabasca University
- Ray O'Brien, Otago Polytechnic
- Judy O'Connell, Charles Sturt University
- Luke Padgett, University of Tasmania
- Valerie Peachey, Charles Sturt University
- Judy Schrape, Curtin University
- Adrian Stagg, University of Southern Queensland
- Elizabeth Thomson, Charles Sturt University
- Philip Uys, Charles Sturt University
- Lynne Vautier, Curtin University
- Linda Ward, Charles Sturt University
- Sandra Wills, Charles Sturt University
Session 1: Welcome and introduction
- 9.00am - 9.15am: Welcome, aims and principles of engagement.
- 9.15am - 9.35am: Participant introductions and observations (Participants will be invited to share one observation about the OERu)
Session 2: Implementing OERu's minimum viable product
- 9.35am - 10.10am: Summary of key decisions from the 5th International Meeting of OERu Partners
- Launch of the OERu 1st year of study on 15 March 2017 (5 mins)
- Credit transfer and accreditation processes (5 mins)
- Due diligence steps for the launch of the MVP (5 mins) (Links: Due diligence decisions and Mantis.oeru.org)
- Open discussion (20 mins)
- 10.10am - 11.00am: Regional partners "show and tell"
- Wayne Mackintosh: Learner view of an OERu course. (5 mins)
- Linda Ward: CSU's Indigenous Australia OERu course development (slideshow) (6 mins)
- Ray O'Brien: Otago Polytechnic, Micro-credentials and open badges for OERu courses. (6 mins)
- Adrian Stagg: USQ's remix and institutional branding of the OERu student video (6 mins)
- Wayne Mackintosh: OERF marketing, learner recruitment and the OERu open business model (10 mins) (Links: OERu MarComs Files; Video: OERu - World Class Open Education, Mautic automation.)
- Open discussion (15 Mins)
- 11.00am - 11.30am: Tea Break
- 11.30am - 12.15pm: Breakout session - Proposals for action
- Process evaluation - (Links: Process evaluation plan; Brainstorm items for partner and learner surveys)
- Action list for launch of MVP (Links: Due diligence action list -Breakout group)
- Feedback 12.15pm - 12.30pm: Feedback session
- 12.30pm - 1.00pm: Plenary session
- LiDa course development and the pedagogy of discovery (Resource bank example)
- OERu communication and planning tools. (Links: groups.oeru.org; chat.oeru.org; plan.oeru.org; Mantis.oeru.org)
- Review of OERu organisational structures - Establishing the Transnational Academic Practice Advisory Group
- 1.00pm - 2.00pm: Lunch
Session 3: OERu futures
- 2.00pm - 2.45pm: Breakout groups
- Open boundary courses - The LiDA open boundary course prototype
- Planning the Drafting the OERu standing committee for quality
- 2.45pm to 3.00pm: Feedback
- 3.00pm to 4.00pm: CSU Video conference, Strategic Positioning of Open Education in Universities. Sandra Wills to interview UNESCO OER Chairs, Wayne Mackintosh and Rory McGreal.
- 4.00pm - 4.30pm: Afternoon tea
- 4.30pm - 5.00pm: Wrap-up plenary
- New OERu course nominations
- Strategies for sharing lessons learned about implementation at the institutional level and how to leverage collaboration in this area
- Next international partners meeting.