Open Education Resource Portal for New Zealand Schools
A national project for reusable and portable content
Welcome to our second issue of OERNZ News , a project by Kiwi teachers for Kiwi teachers. In this issue:
- Train-the-trainers workshop in Christchurch
- An interview with Nathan Parker, Principal at Warrington School
- Launching Wiki-taster sessions
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- Help distribute OERNZ News at your school by signing up as an OERNZ WikiAmbassador. We'll notify you via email when new issues are available for distribution at your school.
- Download a copy of the second issue of OERNZ News
- Print enough copies (back-to-back) of the 2-page newsletter. Leave a copy in the pigeon hole of the teachers in your school. WE aim to keep teachers connected with OERNZ, including colleagues who don't regularly surf the net.
- Email a colleague at a neighbouring school and invite then to distribute OERNZ News -- Sharing is caring!
Editable version
Download an editable version of this newsletter for remix purposes. It is available in the Scribus (.sla) open source file format. Feel free to use extracts or articles for your own newsletters.
Share the news: Download , print and distribute at your school