OER4Ed Challenges and the why forward
OER or How to engage learners and educators without reinventing the wheel
The way forward for OER
If we look at literature on 'sharing of learning resources’ (CD-LOR Project, Sharing e-learning content,Good Intentions report) we will find many of the barriers (real or perceived) experienced by institutions, communities and individuals well documented. For the purpose of this discussion let’s look at the barriers to re-using or producing OER from the point of view of educators (academic staff, teachers) and also try and identify some enablers to help overcome these barriers. Here is list of some of the berries and enablers identified in a JISC led project Pilot Phase Barriers and Enablers to get us started. Feel free to add more from your personal experience.
Barriers, opportunities and the way to move forward
This is a discussion activity to share thoughts and ideas relevant to the mainstream adoption of OER in the formal education sector. This discussion can be facilitated face to face in a workshop or in a online forum.
- Check some of the barriers listed below to start you thinking.
- Identify a barrier to the mainstream adoption of OER in your own organization which has not already been listed and share it with the group.
- Look at the enablers listed below and identify if any of them or may be a new one that you can identify can be leveraged to facilitate the mainstream adoption of OER in your organization.
- Identify actions for the way forward to achieving mainstream adoption of OER in your organization that you can take.
- not all teaching staff are aware of the benefits of using OER
- not knowing what is available and how to find it
- time is a significant issue particularly when re-purposing existing materials
- skills/competencies - a whole range of new skills may be needed (technical and pedagogical)
- information and support (awareness activities - workshops, guidance)
- use peer networks and CoPs to find out what is available
- institutional support and acknowledgment of time needed to re-purpose materials
- incorporating OER skills into accredited teacher training or professional development programmes