NZ/EIT/Open Education Resources and WikiEducator

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As a teacher in the 21st century, you work within a global community of educators who share their content online as open educational resources (OER). Leading experts and experienced practitioners share their lectures, resources, learning activities and work online every day and access to these can be of enormous benefit to you and your students. How do you find open educational content? How do you use it? And how do you share your content? This is a hands-on workshop covering an introduction to OER, the use of wikis in EIT Online (Moodle) and the use of a mass open wiki like Wikieducator and/or Wikipedia.

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By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Search & browse at least 3 OER repositories
  • Distinguish between Creative Commons copyright and traditional copyright
  • Describe what is meant by a wiki and how it differs from other collaboration tools such as a forum
  • Write with others and add links to a wiki in Moodle (EITOnline)
  • List several online wikis
  • Describe WikiEducator and Open Educational Resources
  • Create a user profile in WikiEducator
  • List other web based tools that complement a wiki

Session: 2010, November 11

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

Where do you find OER or Open Content?

Copyright (Creative Commons)

What is a wiki?

The EIT Online (Moodle) Wiki

  • What is it?
  • Notes on use
    • Only one person can edit. Other participant is locked out so they don't overwrite. This means if someone stays on edit page no one else can edit.
    • No discussion page
    • Adding multimedia can challenge participant's ICT skills
  • How can they be used in EITOnline (Moodle)
    • Organise groups
    • Organise presentation times
    • Organise student/topic lists
    • Student collaboratively write article
    • Students collaboratively answer a series of questions
    • Self-assessment for online participation

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Form a group - preferably a pair. Tell your facilitator who you're working with. They will set up a wiki page for you.

  • Choose a topic related to your teaching (if in different areas, agree on one topic).

In your EIT Online wiki (Moodle) page, add

    • One paragraph on wikipedia that summarises the topic (reference this)
    • Links to 3-4 resources from the various OER repositories about that topic
    • Try linking some multimedia too, eg an image from wiki-commons or a YouTube video
    • Each person is to add one comment to the wiki - using different computers!!

Examples of online wikis

WikiEducator and OER

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In WikiEducator

  • Create a userID
  • Quick wiki syntax
  • Add something about yourself
  • Create a wikilink NZ/EIT/---- to transfer your EITOnline (Moodle) wiki onto - This link should be the same for all members in your group.


  • Add the wikilinks for other groups to your profile page also.
  • Make a change to someone elses wiki!

Other tools and resources mentioned


  • How do you see you could use a wiki in your classes?

Icon Reference.png References

  1. Wiki. (2010, November 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:12, November 7, 2010, from

NZ/EIT/Open Education Resources and WikiEducator. (2024). In WikiEducator. Retrieved July 27, 2024, from    (zotero)