MOSEP Module 4/assignments
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MOSEP ePortfolio Tutorial: Module 4 Assessment of ePortfolios |
Overview / Introduction - Module 4 Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 |
Assignments of the module 4
Assignment 4-1: Exercise
Type of submission: upload the document (wiki, html, doc, pdf, txt) Resources:
Assignment 4-2: Individual practical work
Task: Devise the supporting mean for the evaluation of the e-portfolio. Output:
Assignment 4-3: Individual practical work
Task: Perform the evaluation of own e-portfolio and publish evaluation results in the e-portfolio Output:
Assignment 4-4: Individual practical work
Task: Create and publish the supporting instrument for the evaluation of the e-portfolio Output:
Assignment 4-5: Group work
Task: Perform in cooperation the evaluation of the e-portfolio and write evaluation results in the e-portfolio Outputs: