Assessment portfolio

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Information about the assessment requirements, including grading criteria, can be found in the Course OutlinePDF down.png For your assessments, you are asked to set up and develop an eportfolio (also called a digital portfolio). This will need to be accessible to the facilitator for feedback and marking, and ideally shared with other participants in the course. If you do not wish to make your work public, you will need to advise the course co-ordinator who will provide you with email addresses so you can invite others to view your eportfolio.

For formally enrolled participants - formative feedback will be given on the development of the portfolio work throughout the course.

You may wish to view this Exemplar portfolio by Katrina Le Cong. Google Sites was used to set up this eportfolio.

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This is a huge problem now that information is so easily accessible from the Internet. Respecting copyright is just as important online as it is in print. And avoiding plagiarism in your assessment work is absolutely essential for this course.

It is easy to break the rules unintentionally. So take particular care to use your own words and media where possible, and if referring to or quoting another person's work ensure that their licensing allows you to do this and always correctly cite and reference the source.

Portfolio Activities

The Portfolio Activities are a mix of formative and summative assessment that you complete at the end of a module. All the Portfolio Activities must be completed at the end of each module, and added to your eportfolio to pass the course. However, as indicated on the Course Outline, only the outputs from three Portfolio Activities are marked and given a grade.

You may use a mix of media (e.g., text, audio, video, images and diagrams) for your outputs. See the Study desk for detailed information about the Portfolio Activities for each module.

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Setting up your eportfolio

For more information, check out the Digital portfolio page.