Workshop Report
eL4C42 Workshop Report
Expected Output
The expected outcomes of this workshop were:
- To teach and train the use of the new Rich Text Editing WikiEducator tutorials 1-10;
- To explore the concept of open education using an open source software platform and integrated technologies in the process;
- To provide background information on WikiEducator
- Demonstrate collaborative sharing of information
- Develop OER content on WikiEducator
- EL4C42 was a 10-day basic wiki editing skills Learning4content online Workshop teaching Rich Text Editing under the Learning4Content initiative of the OER Foundation, which took place from August 25, to September 8, 2010.
- The workshop was one of the OER Foundation's monthly Learning4Content workshops and was co-facilitated by Ramesh Sharma and Nellie Deutsch.
- The facilitators invited all the participants to join discussions directly on the Wiki under the Wiki Discussions tabs.
- Participants received instructions on the workshop home page as well as on/through the WikiEducator Moodle sent daily directly to their email addresses.
- The tutorials and forum discussions were conducted on WikiEducator
Live Session on WIZIQ
- EL4C42 held one hands-on live online session on WiZiQ for about 60 minutes, on Wednesday, September 1, after one week of the course.
- Contrary to most other times, the live session was attended by only 5 participants. Patricia Schlicht and Ramesh Sharma moderated the event and provided an overview of latest developments on WikiEducator, the OER Foundation and Wiki work in Guyana.
- The WIZIQ LIVE Sessiion can be viewed here]
Outcome and Demographics
The workshop consisted of the following demongraphics:
Participants: 83
Female: 45
Male: 38
Withdrawal: 1 (not counted))
includes Facilitators: 3 (Female: 2 / Male: 1)
Total participating countries: 18
Country Participation
Participants from 18 countries participated in eL4C42:
Australia | The Bahamas | Canada | Fiji | Ghana | Guyana | India | Israel | Sri Lanka Mexico New Zealand Nigeria Rwanda Spain Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay USA Vietnam | |
I am very grateful for Dr. Ramesh Sharma's and Dr. Deutsch's generous contributions to this workshop, in terms of time and effort, to assist with facilitation. It is always a pleasure to interact with other facilitators.
eL4C42 used the WikiEducator Moodle the second time as integrated tool to communicate instrutions to participants and encouraged discussions directly on the Wiki. For the communication of instructions coming from the Moodle forum, it worked very well but I found the discussions on WikiEducator a bit slow and challenges were only posted here and there. While I enjoyed the one-on-one time I had with participants, I was mostly contacted by participants directly by email, to help solve challenges, and to overcome hurdles.
Most Indian registrants were asked to register by Anil Prasad as a result of a prior face-to-face workshop which completed last months. While most did, only very few came in formally, to continue.
Overall, I was satisfied with outcome of this workshop. Variations in the outcome can be expected, especially also in sight of the fact that WikiEducator just hosted its largest L4C workshop last month and eL4C42 was the next one following.
--Patricia Schlicht 01:33, 7 September 2010 (UTC)