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Timeline & Project Plan

Education Strategy

Opening Notes

  • All documents are draft unless otherwise indicated.
  • Due diligence questions available here - Due Diligence questions
  • Business development opportunities focused on the 'end in mind' - leveraging ICTC credibility, visibility and assets (and relationships) for optimum impact
  • Assets are ICTC programs and components of programs, documentation, materials, capabilities and resources that we have developed which could be shared, sold, licensed, re-used, remixed and contextualized in different formats, languages or situations. These include but are not limited to: educational standards, competencies, research studies / reports, program components, etc. Assets can also include relationships.
  • Core Group (Internal Stakeholders) = Namir, Jeff, Sandra, Meenakshi, Tracy, Pam, Gesine, Randy

Work to Date

  • Education Strategy (ES) kickoff meeting, November 2, 2012 with internal stakeholders (core group): Namir, Jeff, Sandra, Meenakshi, Tracy, Pam, Gesine, Randy
  • ES Outline document feedback and review (Sandra) - includes backgrounder, guiding principles and project plan (high level)
  • Questions developed for purpose of assessing business development opportunities for education (BizDev 4 Ed) and readiness of stakeholders to engage with ICTC - see: http://wikieducator.org/ICTC/Due_Diligence - Randy
  • Investigated purchase of open source hosted wiki software - 10 user licence (annual cost - $100) for document review and team collaboration. Projected savings in staff time / meetings to be $8,000+ over 2 months - Randy

December 3-7

  • Connecting (by phone) with provincial reps to discuss business opportunities for education; beginning with 2 reps (BC & Alberta; Saskatchewan)
  • Using Due Diligence questions as guide to assess business development opportunities and coaching reps - Tracy & FIT Reps, Randy
  • Conducted first phone meeting with Nancy Burkell, Saskatchewan to assess opportunity to deliver FIT to First Nations communities via partner organization -Tracy, Nancy & Randy
  • Approval provided for wiki / team collaboration software - Sandra, Gesine, Huguette
  • ES Outline document circulated for group feedback and review - i.e., backgrounder, guiding principles and project plan (high level)
  • All Core Group members to provide their feedback (Initially, this will be via email and in the document on the G:Drive: (\\IO\global\Education\Education Strategy\ICTC Education Strategy Outline (DRAFT) V2.5.docx) however, when the wiki approval comes through, commenting and review will take place on the wiki, which will enable others to easily review and build on each others comments and input.)

Researching ICTC Assets

  • Reviewing documentation in advance of meetings with internal stakeholders - Randy
  • Connect with Internal Stakeholders meetings to identify ICTC Assets AND apply ES Guiding Principles to identify and qualify opportunities to: (1) new opportunities with existing assets; or (2) new opportunities by adding value and/or capacity to existing assets; (3) creation of existing assets.
  • Arranging Focus Group meetings with internal stakeholders (i.e., research, policy, talent/bridging and education (adults, youth), business intelligence/business development) and documenting findings on wiki

Guiding Principles are:

  1. Program Scalability and Sustainability
  2. Stakeholder Engagement and Readiness
  3. Entrepreneurial Innovation
  4. Quality
  5. Performance 1 + 2
  6. Ecosystem Communications & Social Sharing
  • Findings to be developed in a table, and additional clarification and feedback from group members will be received (on the wiki)
  • Circulation of 21st century learning brief / future of education materials to identify additional opportunities for business development, operational efficiency and enhancing ICTC visibility and credibility.
  • Core group shares comments and feedback into ES Outline using wiki
  • Continuing meetings (phone, email) with Provincial Reps to qualify business opportunities related to ICTC Assets and time and resources spent pursuing them. - Tracy, Reps, Randy
  • Embedding discussions with reps into ES Outline - Randy

December 10-14

  • Reviewing documentation in advance of meetings with internal stakeholders - Randy
  • Connecting with internal stakeholders to research ICTC Assets - facilitating Core Group input on wiki, small group meetings, emails and phone calls
  • Analyzing opportunities - Randy, in consultation with focus group (email, wiki, in-person)
  • Developing Action Plan & Metrics for Success (Short, Medium, Long-Term)
  • Identifying Achievable Outcomes (Internal, External; Short-, Medium, Long-Term)
  • Writing ES Outline - completing remaining sections (continuing) - Randy

December 18–21

  • Reviewing documentation in advance of meetings with internal stakeholders - Randy
  • Researching ICTC Assets - facilitating Core Group input on wiki, small group meetings, emails and phone calls
  • Analyzing opportunities - Randy, in consultation with focus group (email, wiki, in-person)
  • Developing Action Plan & Metrics for Success (Short, Medium, Long-Term)
  • Identifying Achievable Outcomes (Internal, External; Short-, Medium, Long-Term)
  • Writing ES Outline - completing remaining sections (continuing) - Randy

December 22 - January 2

  • Christmas / New Year's Break

Jan 3 – 4

  • Synthesizing findings and writing ES Outline and embedding findings from wiki-work, meetings, emails and phone calls - Randy

Jan 7-11

  • Writing ES Outline, review and executive summary - Randy
  • Reviewing documents - clarifying facts and assumptions - Randy
  • Meetings with individuals from ICTC areas to clarify any outstanding issues (individuals from Core Group)

Jan 14 and beyond

  • ES (Final) delivered (i.e., document, strategy, appendices)
  • Meeting with Core Group - to share any additional and / or emerging opportunities (linkage to business development / business intelligence activities etc.)
  • Connecting with external stakeholders and board of directors to identify business opportunities for leveraging ICTC and education assets.
  • Suggest doing this after internal ES discussions and fact-finding are complete
  • Suggest doing this after the Christmas / New Year's break as more people will be available, and able to focus on our request

Resources & Appendices


  • Education Strategy - including executive summary, guiding principles, appendices)