Globalsport/Time Change

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Rugby World Cup: Time and Change

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These are the things you should be able to do after you have completed the activities in this strand:

  • Research and describe the main points in history of the development of the game
  • Discuss the importance of sport as a cultural/social activity

Introductory activity

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To be aware that sports change over time and are affected by social and cultural factors

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Introductory activity

This is a drawing of rugby being played in Japan in 1874. Think about what you can see and the answer to these questions.

  • How do you think the game of rugby got to Japan?
  • Looking at how the players are dressed, the way the players are playing and the people watching the game - how do you think this sport has changed over time?

FootBall Rugby in Japan 1874.jpg

History of ball games

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To develop a timeline plotting the history and changes to the game

In the introduction section there is information and an activity about the history of the Rugby World Cup. But ball games have been played for a much longer time than that. Games that are played by kicking and/or passing a ball have been recorded as far back as ancient Greek and Roman times. Different types of ball games developed in different countries and the way these games are played have changed over time.

Ancient Greek Football Player.jpg

In New Zealand, Maori developed a game called Ki-o-rahi which is played with two teams of seven players on a round field divided into zones. Points are scored by touching the 'pou' (field markers) and hitting a central 'tupu'(target).

You can see a video of how Ki-o-rahi is played at this link


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Do some research using library resources or on the internet to answer the following questions:

  • Where do ball games come from?
  • Where does the game of rugby come from?
  • What country does it come from originally?
  • When did we start playing rugby in our country?
  • How did the game get here?
  • Which countries play rugby now?
  • How do you think the game got there?

When you have found some answers create a poster that shows the important dates on a timeline. Other information or pictures you have found can be added to the poster to create a collage. You will be adding to your collage in the next activity.

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Portfolio Activity

Create a new post in your portfolio. Write clearly explain the a range of answers the following question:
  • What do you think are some of the reasons for games changing over time?

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Self Assessment

You need to think about how you will judge how effective your poster design is. You need to decide what is important and how you will measure how well this is done. Some things to consider are:
  • How eye catching is the design?
  • Have you included important/relevant information?

You need to think about what a good poster is going to look like and what it's going to need to have in it. Share your ideas with the people around you, and your teacher will help the class to put all the ideas on a display so that you can agree on what you are going to be doing.

When you have completed your design you should be able to assess your own work yourself, or as a class you might decide to assess each other's work.

How and why has the game changed?

File:Pascal Laporte.jpg

While you were doing the previous activities in this section you will have seen that the game of rugby has changed over time. This could be in the way that it is played e.g. what people wear when playing. But sport is also a social and cultural activity and is affected by changes in society. Can you think of some of the ways sport has changed as a result of changes in society?

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To be able to discuss the impact of social and cultural changes on the development of sport over time.

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How does sport change over time?

In this activity you are going to keep adding information to your poster that you created for the last activity. For this activity you are going to choose two topics from the list below and working with a partner you need to create a summary explaining how the topic you have selected has changed the game over time. This can be your own views but you can also do further research by asking your parents what they think, looking on the internet and using library resources. You can use words and pictures to create your summary and should add this to your poster.

  • Rules of the game
  • Equipment used to play the game
  • Uniforms players wear
  • Women's World Cup
  • Under 17 World Cup and the Junior (Under 20) World Cup
  • Sports nutrition (what players eat and drink to help them stay healthy and play well)
  • Technology (eg sport on TV, pay to view, radio broadcasts, Internet etc)
  • Sponsorship by companies of things like venues, clothing
  • Advertising
  • Betting in sport
  • Politics (for example the protests against the Springbok tour to NZ in 1981)

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Look at some of the posters created by your classmates and think about some of the changes that they chose to write about. What do you think are some of the most important factors in changing sport?