Foundation Skills/Using Moodle to engage students in a blended environment/Introduction to WikiEducator
Foundation Skills | |
Learning Management Systems and blended learning | |
Using Moodle to engage students in blended learning | Objectives | Moodle Pedagogy | Blended learning | e-Activity | Summary |
Introduction to WikiEducator
The content of this course, Foundation Skills, is hosted on a WikiEducator site. Anyone can access this course and edit it, provided they have a WikiEducator account. According to Wikipedia "WikiEducator is an international online community project for the collaborative development of learning materials, which educators are free to reuse, adapt and share without restriction".
WikiEducator describes itself as "a global community resource" that is supported by the Open Education Resource Foundation, an independent non-profit based at Otago Polytechnic for the development of free educational content. The Commonwealth of Learning provides financial support to the OER Foundation.
You may also want ot watch a very short video clip that explains what WikiEducator is.
You will learn more about WikiEducator in relation to open education resources and practices in a later Unit in the Foundation Skills course.