EDT4OL/H5P/Interactive content
Step 1: Create three H5P objects
- Create three separate H5P objects for interactive online learning.
- Each object must use a different H5P content type (e.g. Multiple Choice, True False Question, Drag and Drop, Crossword etc.).
- Each object must be interactive. In other words, the learner needs to do something (e.g. answer a question, click a hotspot, drag words or images).
- One of the three objects must be a container, such as a Quiz, Column, Accordion or Presentation, and contain at least two elements within it. One element must be interactive, but, if you wish, the other can be static content, such as text, image or audio.
- At least one of the activities must include feedback for learners which is different depending on responses to individual questions (e.g. different feedback for right or wrong answers in a Multiple Choice question) or feedback on a learner's total score (using the score 'range' feature available for feedback in some types of activity).
- If you wish, you may use objects that you have already created during this learning challenge (e.g. your own True False Question, Multiple Choice question or Crossword, but you may only submit objects that you designed yourself, not those you copied from examples in this course or from the H5P website.
Step 2: Publish a blog post
Prepare a blog post with a suitable title and three sections:
- Introductory paragraph of three or four sentences, outlining how online learning activities could support your learners.
- Embedded H5P objects:
- Embed your three H5P objects in the blog post, using the shortcode.
- Under each object, write two or three sentences explaining your choice of content type and how you believe this object will support learning.
- Write a summary of your self-assessment, justifying your decision for a 'green' or 'amber' self-evaluation using the traffic light rubric below.
Publish your blog post, remembering to apply the "EDT4OL" for harvesting by the course feed. (Visit our help page for more information on assigning your blog URL for the feed scanner.)
- Optional: Scan the course feed page for recent blog posts, forum posts or mastodon toots and respond to one or two submissions. Providing motivation and support builds community!
Conduct a self-assessment of your three H5P objects using the traffic light rubric below, to evaluate if your resource achieves a green or amber rating. If amber, consider improving your resource to achieve a green rating.
If you meet the criteria for the 'green' or 'amber' ratings, as assessed by your course moderator, you will meet the requirements for the award of the badge. If your work is assessed by the course moderator as falling within the 'red' rating, you will not meet the requirements for the badge on that occasion, but you may be given an opportunity to revise your work and re-submit.
Step 3: Submit for assessment on Moodle
Checklist for submission
H5P Object Parameters
The H5P parameters below will be replaced by the actual H5P object when it's rendered on the WordPress site to which it's been snapshotted.
When you are ready, submit the link to your H5P learning challenge blog post to the [:https://edt4ol.oerfoundation.org/arpanadeb-blog/h5p-interactive-learning-challenge/ Interactive learning with H5P page] in Moodle. (You will be asked to log in to Moodle if you are not already logged in.)
Your submission will be reviewed within one working day, taking the international timezone of the location of your facilitator into account.