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Crossword image 1.jpg

On this page, we'll use an H5P crossword to:

  • revise some of the terminology used in this H5P learning challenge, and
  • reflect on the learning process.

Then you'll be ready to create your own crossword.

Icon activity line.svg
Activity 1: Do a crossword

1. Do the crossword below to help you revise some of what you have learnt about H5P so far.

H5P Object Parameters

The H5P parameters below will be replaced by the actual H5P object when it's rendered on the WordPress site to which it's been snapshotted.

font-weight: bold;
class1 class2

2. Now reflect on your experience of doing this learning activity. For example:

  • Were there enough instructions and were they clear?
  • Do you think the activity helped with your learning? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • Did the activity help you identify any gaps in your understanding of the materials so far? If so, what will you do about it?
  • What was your reaction to the feedback? Would you have found a different sort of feedback more helpful?

Share your thoughts on one or two of these questions with your fellow learners by posting a response on WEnotes:

Note: Your comment will be displayed in the course feed.

Icon activity line.svg
Activity 2 (optional): Create a crossword

In this activity, you will use your reflections above, together with your knowledge of H5P, to create a crossword for your own learners.

You do not need to do this activity to complete the learning challenge, but we encourage you to try it if you have time - it will give you more practice in H5P and will extend the range of different H5P actvities that you can offer your learners.

  1. Decide on a topic.
  2. Consider how you want to support learning through this activity. For example: Will your learners be remembering useful words, checking their understanding, distinguishing similar concepts, or something else?
  3. Make a list of 10 - 12 words for your crossword and write appropriate clues and feedback.
  4. Follow the usual steps to install Crossword as an H5P content type and reach the editing screen. (Note: There isn't a tutorial available at the moment, but the on-screen instructions are clear.)
  5. Type in some instructions.
  6. Type in your words, clues and feedback; the software then decides on the best lay-out for your crossword.
  7. Review the 'Theme' menu to decide if you want to change any of the colours in your crossword and/or add a background image.
  8. Decide if you want to change any of the behavioural settings.
  9. Save your crossword.
  10. Review your crossword with your learners' needs in mind:
    • Are the instructions clear?
    • Are the clues clear?
    • Is the crossword a sensible shape? (Sometimes, if you have too many long words, the software produces a grid with a lot of blank squares; if so, try using some shorter words as answers.)
    • Do the clues use too much space on the page? (If so, try to shorten some of them.)
    • Is the feedback appropriate for different ranges of scores?
  11. Edit your crossword if you need to, and save it again.
  12. Embed your crossword into your H5P practice blog post.

If you are happy with the crossword you have created, you could use it as one of the H5P objects in your submission for the 'H5P Author' Badge learning challenge.

Need help?

Post any questions about H5P on the H5P support forum.