EDT4OL/H5P/Combining activities

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H5P has a number of different tools for combining learning activities into a series. These are called 'containers'. Work your way through the slides below to learn more about them. The slides are presented using an H5P Course Presentation.

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Activity: Combine activities in a container

This is an opportunity to practise creating a series of learning activities for your own learners, using one of the types of container discussed in the presentation above.

1. On paper or in a file on computer, make a rough plan for two or more activities to combine in a container.

  • At least one activity should be interactive (e.g. multiple choice question, drag-and-drop, mark the words), but you can also include static elements such as text, audio or an image if you wish.

2. Decide which type of container is most suitable for this combination of activities.

  • Look at the examples on the H5P website for guidance.

3. In WordPress, install that container type and start to create your container and elements.

  • Use the relevant tutorial on the H5P website for guidance.
  • Check that the activities you have planned are available in that type of container - if not, think of a similar activity type that is available and adapt your plan.

5. Save and test in the usual way.

6. When you are happy with your container and activities, embed it into your H5P practice blog.

You can use this container for the H5P learning challenge.

Note: It is possible to copy a single activity that you have created, such as a True/False Question, and paste it into a container, if the container supports that activity type. See Re-using H5P content for more information. However, for the learning challenge, do not use the same activity twice.