Creating sustainable futures/5th Meeting

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Creating sustainable futures - 5th Meeting


  • Steve Henry
  • Florence Micoud - Apology
  • Alexa Forbes - Apology
  • Wayne Mackintosh
  • Carol Cooper-Taylor


  1. Matters Arising - Consult action item list from previous meeting.
  2. Responsiveness to group forum
  3. Blueprint - intended target audience still required
  4. CSF101
    1. Strap lines added.
    2. Video needed to replace one that is no longer on Youtube (see Creating Sustainable Futures playlist on YouTube). DONE
    3. Video signposts uploaded.
    4. Is there a Learning Challenge for From the Holocene to the Anthropocene? DONE
    5. Technical: Register button does not link anywhere. Where should it link? (This will be determined once the SSO project is completed)
    6. Technical: Link colour on website not easy to distinguish from text (Has been recorded as an issue #38 for ongoing development and improvement).
    7. Review and audit by SMEs of CSF101
  5. CSF102
    1. Course content in place
    2. Videos signposts in place
    3. Startup and Course guide in progress
    4. Assessments in progress
    5. On course to complete by 18 June (i.e. on time)
  6. CSF103
    1. Course content in place
    2. Videos signposts in place
    3. Startup and Course guide in progress
    4. Assessments in progress
    5. On course to complete by 18 June (i.e. on time)
  7. CSF104
    1. Course content underway
    2. Videos signposts inplace
    3. Startup and Course guide in progress
    4. Assessments in progress
    5. Images to be selected
    6. On course to complete by 18 June (i.e. on time)
  8. Links for updated natural cycle graphics:
    Image 1

    Image 2

    Image 3

  9. Feedback on audit of images
  10. Confirm landing page images
  11. Text copy for email instructions for each session.

Key decisions and action items

  1. Reviewed action items from the 4th meeting
    • Confirmed that Steve will add the bullet points for the intended target audience in the blueprint
    • Noted that there are no other outstanding items from the 4th meeting.
  2. Requested that SMEs provide responses on the list when they are requested to review content. In the absence of posting a short note confirming that you have read the content - we have no idea if any changes are needed.
  3. Noted the status of the development of the four micro-courses and confirmed that we are on target to complete the development on time.
  4. Approved the revised TNS images now available under an open license. Carol will embed the revised images in the course materials.
  5. Reviewed the copyright audit of images
  6. Agreed to use the proposed images on the mockup landing page for the homepages of each micro course.
  7. Discussed what is needed for the email instructions for each session. Steve will prepare draft text for the email instructions and Carol will embed these in the course outline pages.