Create and manage files/Document formatting/Pages

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Page layout – center vertical alignment

A document can be centered between the top and bottom margin: this is called Centered Vertical Alignment.

  1. From the Page Layout Tab select the Page Setup dialog box launcher


  2. Select the Layout Tab within the Page Setup Dialog Box
  3. From the Page Section use the drop down arrow to adjust the Vertical Alignment to Center


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  1. Locate and open a file you have created earlier
  2. View the document in Print Preview, then close print preview
  3. Change the alignment to Vertically Centered
  4. View the document again in Print Preview to see the changes

Header and Footers

A header appears at the top of the page, and a footer appears at the bottom of the page. You only need to create a header or footer once and Microsoft Word will place it on the pages you indicate.

  1. From the Insert Tab select Footer.

    A sample of layouts will be displayed: you are able to choose from any of these layouts or choose Edit Footer to create your own.
  2. Select Edit Footer
  3. Tab Stops will be in place in preparation for you to enter text. To move to the next Tab Stop press the Tab Key on your keyboard.


Insert Filename field

This will always show the current filename of your document.

  1. Click your cursor where you would like the filename to be inserted
  2. From the Header & Footer Tools Tab click on Quick Parts
  3. Select Field
  4. Scroll down the Field names and select Filename
  5. Click OK

Insert Page Numbers

  1. Click your cursor where you would like the page number to be inserted
  2. From the Header & Footer Tools Tab click on Page Number
  3. Select Current Position
  4. From the Sample Page Numbers given choose Simple

This field will always show the current page number of your document: if you add more pages or delete pages, page numbers will adjust automatically.

Formatting Headers and Footers

You are able to format the text in headers or footers as you would normally e.g. font size, style and colour

Close Header and Footer View

  1. From the Header & Footer Tools Tab click on Close Header and Footer


Extra resources

Please note: the following tutorial will open in a new window/tab. When you have finished the tutorial, simply close the window/tab and you'll return to this page.

You might also like to check out this online tutorial:

  • Working with Headers and Footers

The tutorial includes a useful video demonstration.

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Have a go at creating a document with:

  • Your name in the top right hand corner
  • Page numbers in the bottom left hand corner
  • The filename in the bottom right hand corner